Hello Friends! I have been busy! I just traveled to Little Rock to speak at Arkansas’ Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Spring Conference on the low FODMAP diet this past Saturday! I enjoyed a nice dinner out with some fellow dietitians and enjoyed the city of Little Rock. Before I headed out for Arkansas, […]
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Cornmeal Orange Zest and Cranberry Cookies
This recipe is inspired by a Martha Stewart recipe titled cornmeal-cherry cookies and my favorite Dancing Deer cornmeal biscotti. I love anything made with cornmeal. Sooooo…..good! I morphed the recipe a little to make it low in FODMAPs. Dried fruit tends to be high FODMAP but dried cranberries in small amounts (1 TB) are okay. […]
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Low FODMAP Brownie in a minute!
Well….the new blog is up! Woot! Woot! I am still working out some tweaks but it should be fully functional in the next month or so. Bear with me…while it’s a bit of a construction site. I am trying to make it a bit easier to navigate. Today, I thought I would share with you […]
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Chocolate Covered Pineapple…in preparation for Valentine’s Day
Okay….here it is….my latest addiction. Semi-sweet chocolate + fresh sliced pineapple = Heaven Sooooooo tasty. And really one or maybe two little chunks and your sweet tooth should be completely satisfied. Since Valentine’s Day is just around the corner…you might want to treat your sweetheart to these tasty sweets! Can you say…YUM!? Chocolate has not […]
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Frosted Biscotti (low FODMAP)
During the Christmas holiday, my good friend, Meg, brings me a plate full of her tasty biscotti. It’s not like typical twice baked crunchy biscotti but rather a cake-like biscotti. It’s not super sweet…but sweet enough. And I LOVE it! I finally asked Meg for the recipe this year and decided it might be easy […]
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Low FODMAP Holiday Sweets
Holidays and sweet treats seem to go together, right? I know there are quite a few of you out there that have a bit of a sweet tooth. So… I thought I would make this post all about low FODMAP treats for the holiday season. How does that sound? I contacted one of my favorite […]
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Nantucket Cranberry Blueberry Pie (FODMAP friendly)
I received a short and sweet email from my father-in-law, Tony with a recipe attached for “Crustless Cranberry Pie”. The email stated, “Mickie thought you might like the recipe,” from your favorite PAPA in law. 🙂 Mickie is my Mother-in-law….a great one at that! And she was right, I DID love the recipe! And so […]
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Caramelized Bananas (low FODMAP)
My next post will include my ramblings from the 2 digestive health conferences I attended in the last week and a half! Honestly, I need to let my brain marinate just a bit longer so that I can sort and sift the main take away messages. Seriously, I have knowledge overload. This weekend I tried […]
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Creamy Coconut Milk Quinoa Pudding
I hope your week is off to a good start. We started with a bit of rain this morning but the sun is shining which means I will take my furry friend Lucy for a walk shortly. I love taking Lucy for a stroll during the day–she’s a good friend and walking buddy! Here’s she […]
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