Although it’s not a typical Bostonian staple, a bowl of warm grits is truly one of my favorite comfort foods. Especially when made with a little milk and cheddar cheese. MMMMmmm….mmmm. A big bowl of steaming grits was one of my favorite pre-exam foods from back at my college days at Emory University in Atlanta, […]
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Monash U gives thumbs up to dark chocolate (FODMAP update)!
Okay, I stumbled on some new info this morning…and since chocolate has been a HOT topic… Drum roll, please! You can officially say, yes, to chocolate….dark chocolate that is. But the quantity limit is about 2 tablespoons of mini semi-sweet chocolate chips or 30 grams. BUT….yes, I will take it! I have been allowing small […]
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Peanut Butter Quinoa Bars
Hello Friends! I have been busy! I just traveled to Little Rock to speak at Arkansas’ Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Spring Conference on the low FODMAP diet this past Saturday! I enjoyed a nice dinner out with some fellow dietitians and enjoyed the city of Little Rock. Before I headed out for Arkansas, […]
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One Skillet Company Chicken {low FODMAP recipe}
Happy April Fool’s Day! I have a habit of fooling my husband on April Fool’s Day ….but he snuck out for an early flight this morning so I couldn’t ‘get him’ this year! One year I had my friend who was also our insurance agent send my husband a fake itemized bill for $4,000 for […]
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Cornmeal Orange Zest and Cranberry Cookies
This recipe is inspired by a Martha Stewart recipe titled cornmeal-cherry cookies and my favorite Dancing Deer cornmeal biscotti. I love anything made with cornmeal. Sooooo…..good! I morphed the recipe a little to make it low in FODMAPs. Dried fruit tends to be high FODMAP but dried cranberries in small amounts (1 TB) are okay. […]
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We were SO lucky to have Jaci Barrett and CK Yao, two of Monash Uni’s low FODMAP diet experts and researchers on a worldwide twitter FODMAP chat last night. For those of you that stay clear away from twitter or simply didn’t have time to follow along (or it was too late to join in…it […]
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Simple Kale Quinoa Salad
I seriously crave kale. Not sure if that is a ‘dietitian thing’ but it really is one of my favorite salad ingredients. Isn’t this kale gorgeous? Today…I have a kale recipe for you….but first let me fill you in on why I made this recipe… Last Friday, my daughter Chelsea had her wisdom teeth out….all […]
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What are your thoughts about twitter? I know many people think twitter is a crazy waste of time. To be honest, I joined twitter somewhat reluctantly as I had no clue what it was about…and what value it might add to my career. But, other dietitians urged me to give it a try. So…I joined. […]
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Gnocchi with Heirloom Tomatoes, Basil and Olives
Happy Sunday! I truly love the weekends. Russ and I get in our morning run, indulge in a Starbucks coffee and ease in to our day just a little slower. The weather is slowly turning here in New England…slightly warmer…YAY, for that! This weekend there was a big conference in Miami called Gut Microbiota for Health […]
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