Buckwheat and Quinoa Granola

Before I share a great recipe with you…I wanted to share a bit about our fabulous weekend.  We headed up to New Hampshire to visit with my sister, Trisha and her boyfriend, Mark for some lakeside fun.  And…fun we had!

On arrival, we packed a quick dinner and headed straight to Half Moon Lake.

A relaxing swim, dinner and watching the sun set lakeside is a great way to ease into the weekend, right?  So…nice!

The next morning we secured a boat rental to cruise Lake Winnipesaukee. We rented a tube too for a little more fun in the sun.  Here’s a little peek at our adventure.

After our full day boating excursion, we stopped at the location of a bald eagle nest to see if we might have some luck spotting an eagle. And YES, we did!  Bald eagles are so majestic.

My son Kevin took this amazing picture of the eagle in flight!

Good people + refreshing lake water + yummy food + boating + tubing + eagle spotting = GREAT weekend!

From a FODMAPs diet standpoint, lots of great things are happening.  This diet for tummy trouble is slowly gaining momentum in the US and abroad!  My blog was quoted in an article which of course is always nice to see!  Check out the article here!

My colleague, Emma Carder, a UK dietitian, was quoted as well in a great UK article on FODMAPs this weekend…check it out here! Emma and I met via twitter and have been able to connect and share many FODMAPs articles and tips with each other.  Twitter is a great place to connect with like minded individuals around the globe…how cool is that? Follow me on twitter here!

So with all this FODMAPs chatter, I want to share a recipe that another FODMAP follower shared and although I changed up the recipe a bit (no fruit, no almonds and a bit less maple syrup) it was simply amazing! This granola featured quinoa and buckwheat.

Have you dried buckwheat?  Honestly, when I wrote my book, The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Eating Well with IBS I tried really hard to come up with tasty buckwheat recipes.  But this grain was totally new to me and I wasn’t sure if I really liked it.

Even thought the name might fool you,  buckwheat is actually a wheat free and gluten free grain.

This week I found already roasted and ready to eat buckwheat also known as Kasha!  And, I liked it! Yay!

Check out the original recipe here called Quinoa Granola @ the Hungry Hungry Hippie .  Elise, who created this great recipe is also quoted in the article I was quoted in this week!  I love Elise’s mixture of nuts and whole grains and her pictures are very enticing.

Here’s my mixture in the making…

All mixed up this granola looks so delicious and nutritious don’t you think?

Baked up it is so addicting. In fact, I think I am really addicted to it.  Is that a bad thing? Ha!

You will not be disappointed in this yummy recipe–whether on a low FODMAP diet or NOT!

Hope you had a wonderful and fun-filled weekend! Stay cool in this heat wave my fellow New Englanders!



11 replies on “Buckwheat and Quinoa Granola

  • Nan

    Mmmm… That granola looks so good! And congrats on being mentioned in the article. Everyone I talk to about FODMAPS seems to know someone who can benefit from this diet. I know it is really changing my life!

      • Nan

        Kate, I am a bit confused about coconut and coconut oil. As I was growing up, coconut oil was a “no-no” and I learned to shun it (saturated fat? I’m not sure…) In addition, when I eat coconut products, well, later on the effects are that it seems that I have eaten soap (sorry to be so graphic, but that is how it “repeats” itself). I am still on elimination phase so I won’t try it yet, but have you heard of other people who have trouble with coconut? Could it be additives? Is it the oil? Hmmmm. Coconut seems to be showing up in so many vegan recipes now.

      • katescarlata

        Coconut oil is a source of saturated fat but whether it increases risk of heart disease may not be the case.
        Here is an interesting study which references other key studies looking at coconut oil’s oil on lipids.
        : http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3146349/
        You would want to stick with a simple straight forward coconut oil such as Spectrum organic coconut oil without anything added or perhaps avoid altogether if your body doesn’t react well to it.

  • Naomi Bilmes

    “Bake for 60 minutes at 225 degrees” – is this correct? Mine was definitely not done after baking at this low temperature…

    • katescarlata

      Almonds are okay in small portion–10 per serving. I often try to limit the overall “nut load” when possible to keep the GOS and fructans limited with portion control.

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