Today’s tip will be short and sweet. US canned pumpkin FODMAP results are finally here!! It seems forever ago that I sent canned pumpkin to the Monash researchers. In fact, I sent several boxes of US foods for testing. What we learned: Canned US pumpkin has moderate amount of FODMAPs. Small amounts, 1/4 cup […]
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Quick Tips for the low FODMAP Vegetarian
Today, I thought I would provide a few tips for the vegetarian low FODMAP followers. It’s tricky following the low FODMAP diet while enjoying a vegan diet as many of the traditional protein sources on a vegan diet are rich in FODMAPs. My intern, Laura, compiled this great handout while working with me which […]
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Low FODMAP diet is not dairy free!
The low FODMAP diet is NOT a dairy free diet but rather low in lactose, the sugar found in cow, sheep and goat milk. If you have been tested for lactose malabsorption or intolerance and have been found to digest lactose sufficiently than you do not need to modify lactose on the low FODMAP diet. […]
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Summer Squash & Red Quinoa Salad
Hello. Today’s recipe is from Epicurious, called Summer Squash and Red Quinoa Salad. I found this recipe on the web and have made it twice in the past 2 weeks!! It’s so seriously yummy that I just had to share it with you guys! Click here for the recipe! I didn’t have red quinoa so […]
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Yield to the almighty onion
Today is Tuesday and that means it is Tip Tuesday for those on the low FODMAP diet. Providing some real time tips for you in light and fun way. TAKE CAUTION! This is posted for your safety!! 🙂 So…what’s the deal with onions? They seem to be the biggest trigger for most people with IBS. Onions are a […]
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Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Cheesecakes
We all deserve a little treat now and again, right? So, today, I am sharing a recipe from my childhood that I morphed a bit into a gluten free and low FODMAP treat. The recipe of the day: Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Cheesecakes. Please take a peek! As a dietitian, I am all about eating healthy […]
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How to Make a Well-Balanced Low FODMAP Plate!
Hello Friends, In the ever changing world of FODMAPs, it is my hope to keep you up-to-date in a quick yet informative way via my blog. I will be focusing most of my upcoming Tuesday posts on quick tips…conveniently called, Tuesday’s Tips! So be on the lookout! Today’s Tuesday’s Tip: How to Make a Well-Balanced Low […]
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Lemon Zested Blueberry Crisp
Hello FODMAP friends, There is nothing quite as tasty as a fresh picked blueberry bursting in your mouth on a warm summer day! YUM! In fact, berry picking in the summer is one of my most favorite warm weather traditions. My favorite… the blueberry. I created a recipe combining two of my most favorite flavors–lemon […]
Continue ReadingMonash U gives thumbs up to dark chocolate (FODMAP update)!
Okay, I stumbled on some new info this morning…and since chocolate has been a HOT topic… Drum roll, please! You can officially say, yes, to chocolate….dark chocolate that is. But the quantity limit is about 2 tablespoons of mini semi-sweet chocolate chips or 30 grams. BUT….yes, I will take it! I have been allowing small […]
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