Hello Friends, As part of IBS awareness month and the #IBelieveinyourStory campaign, I would like to introduce you to Dr. William Chey, a gastroenterologist and researcher at University of Michigan. Dr. Chey has been on the forefront of IBS research in the US studying the role of the low FODMAP diet and IBS. In fact, […]
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Low FODMAP Product Give-a-ways!
For IBS awareness month, I have 3 delicious give-a-ways. Enter to win!
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Life Interrupted: A Story about SIBO.
As part of the #IBelieveinyourStory campaign for IBS awareness, I will be sharing a few stories from IBS or SIBO sufferers. Here is a story of hope from Josh. “My name is Josh and I am a fellow IBS-SIBO Survivor. Like a lot of people I’ve struggled with the digestive disease throughout my life. I’ve […]
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Support & Compassion for those with IBS (and Give-a-way!)
It’s not fun having tummy trouble and sometimes you could use a helping hand. Today’s post is all about how a friend or family member can provide a little support to their favorite someone that is suffering with IBS/SIBO. If you are reading this and suffer with SIBO or IBS, perhaps send this post off […]
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The Diarrhea Dietitian’s Story
For IBS awareness month and as part of the #IBelieveinyourStory campaign, I will be periodically sharing stories of courage and inspiration. IBS can impact anyone at any age. It is more prevalent in women and impacts our little kids too. Today’s IBS story is from one of my favorite colleagues, Niki Strealy, AKA, The Diarrhea […]
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Story of Hope #IBelieveinyourStory
As part of the #IBelieveinyourStory IBS & SIBO Awareness campaign, I will be sharing a few stories on the blog this month that others have shared with me about their digestive health story. I truly believe sharing your story can be therapeutic, empowering, inspirational and healing. In fact, I cried recalling and writing my own […]
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#IBelieveinyourStory Campaign
I NEED YOU! This Saturday, April 1st kicks off National IBS Awareness Month and I am launching a campaign called #IBelieveinyourStory. The purpose of the campaign is to raise awareness, raise funding for research and support patient care through educational initiatives for patients and healthcare providers. An International Survey of patients that suffer with IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) revealed that […]
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Potato & Green Bean Salad with Balsamic Maple Dressing
Hello Friends! I was inspired by a fellow Instagram follower to try a recipe for a potato and green bean salad featuring a bottle of Appalachian Naturals Maple Balsamic Dressing. You can find the dressing here. If you don’t want to purchase the dressing for this low FODMAP recipe, you might try this recipe here to use instead from […]
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FODY Foods Introduces The Kate Box!
Hello FODMAPers! In case you didn’t receive my newsletter yesterday…I have some fun news to share. Yesterday, I launched a new product with FODY foods called…The Kate Box. I’m super excited about this collaboration. As you probably already know, FODY Food Co. provides a wide variety of delicious Monash University low FODMAP certified foods. Let’s talk about […]
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