November is the month of giving! The Balanced Box For A Digestive Peace of Mind is a wonderful way to share the love with your favorite FODMAPer….including yourself!! The box is full of low FODMAP goodies…belly friendly food samples, a grocery planning tool, recipes and serving suggestions! All wrapped up special for the low FODMAP diet […]
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New Low FODMAP checklists
I have been working on some new FODMAP diet checklists for you! Hope you like ’em! 🙂 Here’s my latest LOW FODMAP food checklist: Click here for printable low FODMAP food checklist And here’s the HIGH FODMAP food list: Click here for printable HIGH FODMAP checklist And remember to learn the latest about FODMAP […]
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What the heck is gastroparesis?
Today’s topic will be about a functional gut disorder called gastroparesis. In short, this is a condition in which the stomach is very slow to empty. Typically, strong muscular contractions push food through your digestive tract. In gastroparesis, the muscles in the wall of your stomach work poorly. This inhibits food from being emptied adequately. […]
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IBS, Probiotics, Gut Microbiome
In September (2014), I attended a probiotic symposium hosted by Harvard Medical School here in Boston. Leaders around the globe spoke about the changes that occur in our gut microbiome throughout the lifespan. The talk mostly covered changes in our microbiome rather than what probiotics one should take to aid symptom management for IBS but […]
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Coconut and the low FODMAP diet
Hi FODMAPers… Today’s Tuesday tip is about coconut! Early FODMAP research papers listed coconut milk as HIGH FODMAP…but more recent food analysis has yielded different results. So…here’s the scoop about coconut for low FODMAP diet followers. Per the Monash app my go to resource… Coconut milk (canned) is allowed in 1/2 cup portion per […]
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New Resource for FODMAPers!
Today’s tip will be short and sweet. US canned pumpkin FODMAP results are finally here!! It seems forever ago that I sent canned pumpkin to the Monash researchers. In fact, I sent several boxes of US foods for testing. What we learned: Canned US pumpkin has moderate amount of FODMAPs. Small amounts, 1/4 cup […]
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For a Digestive Peace of Mind
New Website. New Products. New Beginnings. I have been on a mission to develop new products to make following the low FODMAP diet easier and a bit more fun! Check out my new site! Let me know what you think!
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Quick Tips for the low FODMAP Vegetarian
Today, I thought I would provide a few tips for the vegetarian low FODMAP followers. It’s tricky following the low FODMAP diet while enjoying a vegan diet as many of the traditional protein sources on a vegan diet are rich in FODMAPs. My intern, Laura, compiled this great handout while working with me which […]
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Low-FODMAP 28-Day Plan Give-A-Way
Who wants a chance to win a fabulous low FODMAP meal planning and cookbook? Earlier this year, I was asked to review this book and provide the foreward! I know you’ll love this great new book that is hot of the press!! And check out these tasty low FODMAP breakfast sausages I made with a […]
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