Today’s post is just a quick share of some of my favorite low FODMAP brandname product staples. These products have not been officially tested for FODMAP content but work well for me and many of my clients.
I am a big fan of Green Valley Lactose Free products. Green Valley Lactose Free yogurt is a client fav and perfect for the elimination phase of the low FODMAP diet. Green Valley’s lactose free cream cheese is creamy and yummy. My favorite recipe using the cream cheese is my Pineapple Walnut Cheeseball. Have you tried this yet? Recipe here!
For those who can tolerate a little lactose, you may find Greek or strained yogurt tolerable, such as Fage or Siggi’s.Greek and strained yogurts remove a good part of the lactose when it is made into a thicker, higher protein and creamy final product so often can be tolerated by some with mild lactose intolerance. (Do read ingredient labels to check for hidden FODMAP ingredients!) Your best bet is to stick with coconut or plain but certainly try low FODMAP fruited flavors to test your tolerance if desired, but these tend to be much higher in sugar. BEWARE: Siggi’s vanilla has agave nectar!! ugh!
Siggi’s coconut is my favorite. And despite having mild lactose intolerance, I can eat this without any belly symptoms.
As I always say…no reason to over-restrict your diet if unnecessary…listen to your body!
There are a variety of low lactose milk products on the market, my personal favorite is Organic Valley Lactose Free milk. I think it tastes the best.
For basic all purpose gluten free flour blends, my favorite is King Arthur Gluten Free Multi-purpose flour. I use this interchangeably in many recipes and it works beautifully. King Arthur’s website has many gluten free recipes that can easily be adjusted to fit the low FODMAP diet too. Like the gluten free popovers…found here …YUM!! (Remember to sub in lactose free milk!)
Trader Joe’s Gluten Free flour blend and Bob’s Red Mill Gluten Free 1 to 1 Baking Flour look low FODMAP suitable too and work well too in recipes I have tried.
For bread crumbs, I like the Ian’s Gluten Free Panko Style Bread crumb–original flavor. This panko style crumb adds a nice crust to chicken and makes a perfect addition to your low FODMAP meatloaf or meatballs recipes.
I am a fan of maple sugar too. Stonewall kitchen offers maple sugar for sale at their retail outlets and also online. A dusting of this light weight sugar adds a nice maple flavor to your morning oats, plain lactose free yogurt or a hint of sweetness to your chia pudding recipe (one of my personal favs.)
Quinoa is low FODMAP! But…you probably already knew that! I like the red quinoa which seems to impart a more hearty texture than the white. One of my favorite red quinoa recipes that I adjusted to be low FODMAP can be found here!
Megan King
Thanks for sharing!!
You are most welcome, Megan!
Patti Bjorkman
Do you have an opinion on Pamela’s Gluten free all-purpose flour?
The Pamela’s Artisan gluten free flour looks low FODMAP. Is that the one you are asking about?
Patti Bjorkman
Yes, that is the one.
Vanessa Crowl
These are great finds! You take the stress right out of adjusting to a Low FODMAP diet – thank you!
Have you ever written about protein powders? I’d be very interested in learning what you have found works well for you and/or your clients.
Thanks Vanessa. I haven’t written a post on protein powders per se—but include some in my smoothie post here: (link to the handout that you can print out!) And also provide some FODMAP oriented Pinterest boards that I have pinned what appear to be suitable protein powders here:
Vanessa Crowl
Thanks, Kate!
Megan King
I get along well with 1/2 scoop Amazing Meal chocolate infusion protein powder in a smoothie with 1/2 frozen banana, 2/3 cup unsweetened almond milk, and a scant Tbsp peanut butter plus 2-3 ice cubes. I know everyone’s tolerance is different!
Vanessa Crowl
Thanks, Megan!
Thank you Kate for the information. I do have one other question; besides water and cranberry juice, is there anything else we can drink? I really miss my cocoa cola, but I can not handle the sugar free type. I saw some green tea drinks with fruit juice that show as “natural” not sure if they really are.
Thank you. Linda
Jackie Dyer
Hi Kate! Thanks for sharing this latest find <3 Im new to the fodmap diet and am curious to know if I should be staying away from foods that have onion flakes/powder and garlic powder in them? Im trying to eliminate for 2 weeks and then go from there. Thank you for your insight.
Yes, Jackie, you would want to avoid onion and garlic flakes/powder as well on the elimination phase of the diet.
Jackie Dyer
thank you so much for clarification on that!
Martha Souza
Hi Kate
Unfortunately, I am one of the few who can’t tolerate even lactose free products because of my prior surgery.
Have you discovered Kite Hill products sold at Whole Foods? They are dairy free, almond based products (yogurt like, cream cheese like, etc).
Not certain if it is OK for the FODMAP diet but I seem to tolerate small amounts.
I am not sure Martha….but if they don’t bother you…that is a good sign.
Michelle Peele
I am also a fan of Organic Valley lactose free milk. It taste so much better than the Lactaid products. I also love Siggi’s yogurt and it does not irritate my stomach. I have to look for the cream cheese, that would truly make my day.
Megan King
Siggis vanilla flavor has agave nectar! I didn’t even notice when I purchased but now I am scared to eat it..I had 3 bites before realizing.
What?? I wonder if that is new Megan? My blueberry and coconut Siggi’s do NOT have agave nectar! So disappointing!!
Megan King
I know, it made me very sad because I was looking forward to that precious yogurt all day. Check it out here. I ended up eating half and have the tummy rumbles, of course. Boo.
Boo, is right Megan. Bottomline: always read ingredients. Hope you feel better. I did make a note on my blog alerting readers about the vanilla! So…thank you for sharing. I am a fan of the coconut and plain–which is agave free.
Megan King
Kate, do you have a recommendation for a specific brand of sourdough bread product that your clients tolerate well? I made homemade sourdough and did not have good luck with it. It kills my hunger for the rest of the day, gas/bloating, leaves a bad taste that radiates up my throat. Since it is tested low-FODMAP I feel like it should work for me!
Not all sourdough bread will be low FODMAP–portion size and how long it is leavened with the sourdough will play a role–plus wheat products have other ingredients that may trouble symptoms (amylase trypsin inhibitors, for one). Wheat breads that have worked for my patients experimenting with sourdough include: Iggy’s sourdough (Francese and country loaf), and Nashoba bakery sourdough. You might try Berlin Bakery sourdough spelt (an ancient style of wheat)–in freezer section at Whole Foods.
I have read that Breyers ice cream is a low fodmap option but it has whey in it. Is that allowed?
Hi Sarah, Are you referring to the Breyer’s lactose free ice cream? The whey in this product must not contain lactose if the product is listed as lactose free. Whey concentrate can contain lactose though whey isolate is lactose free. So it can vary product to product. But if the label says lactose free, than the whey in the ice cream in lactose free.
Hi Kate: Is a lactaid tablet lowfodmap? I am able to tolerate whey protein powder when I take a lactaid tablet. Is there any reason I should stay away from the lactaid tablets on low fodmap?
Some lactaid tablets contain FODMAPs (mannitol) –just be sure to read the ingredients!