Hello Friends! Just around the corner is IBS Awareness Month and I wanted to share a few things with you as we get loud next month and provide support to people living with IBS. Four years ago, I started the IBelieveinyourStory campaign as a way to support + raise awareness of the patient journey living […]
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The IBS Experience: Pictures, Prose and Poetry
Hello Friends! As you may be well aware, April is IBS awareness month. We are looking for individuals living with irritable bowel syndrome to share their patient experience in a creative format via a painted picture, photo collage or written in poetry or prose. A collection of your creative pieces will be selected to be […]
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Dietitian Deep Dive Launches its Next 2-Part Educational Series
Hello friends! For my clinician followers, I wanted to let you know that for the next Dietitian Deep Dive series, The Relationship Between Disordered Eating & GI Conditions, registration is now open! This series is sponsored by Mahana Therapeutics. In Part 1, we will review the prevalence of disordered eating and eating disorders and the […]
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Quick + Easy Low FODMAP Chicken Piccata
Hello Friends! Once again, I just wanted to share my recent recipe post that I shared on my instagram account… Lemon-y Chicken Piccata–made easy and Low FODMAP. I love the light flavors in this savory dish! Russ and I went to a local farmer’s market in Bethesda last Sunday and found a delicious gluten free (made with […]
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Chocolate Chip Shortbread (Low FODMAP + gluten free)
Hooray for Cookie Season! I love this time of year as it conjures up great memories of eating MANY of my Mom’s baked goods during the holidays. More recently, I love my annual cookie baking for the holidays with with my daughter! We try some new recipes and some of my Mom’s to make the […]
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Chocolate + Peanut Butter Power Balls!
Hello Friends! Here is another recipe that I shared on my Instagram account this week and I wanted to be sure to share with my blog followers here too. These Chocolate and Peanut Butter Power Balls are delicious and made with nourishing ingredients. They have a light dusting of flaxseed meal on the outside–plus more […]
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Dietitian Deep Dive announces Upcoming Series on Sucrase Isomaltase Deficiency
Hello Friends, I love keeping on top of the latest nutrition and GI topic “pulse” and what has sparked my interest in the last several years is the potential diagnosis of sucrase isomaltase deficiency (SID) in adults. Sucrase isomaltase is a digestive enzyme complex produced in the small intestine. Like lactase, which is a digestive […]
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Italian Seeded Cookies (Low FODMAP + gluten free)
Well, hello friends. I am hopping on here to share with you a delicious recipe that my neighbor Deb (in Maine) shared with me! This is lightly sweetened cookie that pairs great with a cup of tea. I share most of my new recipes on my Instagram account–but I know some of you prefer to […]
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Common Disorders Associated with Diarrhea
Well, Happy Monday! Despite the snow last week, I think Spring is really trying to arrive here in New England. I thought I would kick off this work week with a deep dive into the topic of diarrhea. Sound good? 🙂 If you know me, you know I don’t mind talking about poop. There are […]
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