I love a good Greek salad. How about you? I have been craving the flavors of feta and olives lately. So I made a special trip to the market to get my hands on fresh salad ingredients including romaine lettuce, lemon, feta, fresh mint, tomatoes and Kalamata olives to make a good Greek Salad.I have […]
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Cheesy Layered Zucchini Stacks
How about this? Sliced zucchini and tomato layered with cheese into an individual serving stack! So simple, yet so good. And, yes, low FODMAP! I have been somewhat remiss with the blog this week because I have been researching the latest data on the gut microbiome, IBS, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth and all of the […]
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Seared Tomatoes with Feta, Oregano & Olives
Well…hello, Mediterranean flavors….so nice to eat you. I purchased a package of heirloom cherry tomatoes, some fresh oregano, Greek feta and kalamata olives.In a hot skillet with a little grape seed oil, I seared the tomatoes until browned on every side. Turned off the heat and tossed some feta over the tomatoes allowing the cheese […]
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Mini Sweet Potato Soufflés & Give-A-Way
Sweet potato is a moderate FODMAP food sources (a source of mannitol)….yet full of wonderful flavor and is nutrient rich…a great source of Vitamins A and C, potassium and fiber. Monash University’s low FODMAP app has the per meal limit set at 1/2 cup. So…I made a little mini soufflé recipe to keep the portion […]
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Summer Squash & Red Quinoa Salad
Hello. Today’s recipe is from Epicurious, called Summer Squash and Red Quinoa Salad. I found this recipe on the web and have made it twice in the past 2 weeks!! It’s so seriously yummy that I just had to share it with you guys! Click here for the recipe! I didn’t have red quinoa so […]
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Grilled Romaine
Today’s recipe is inspired from a FODMAPer, Chris…who happens to be a chef as well. I had never thought about grilling romaine lettuce before! Have you ever grilled lettuce? Well, check it out! This recipe is so simple and yet….might become my new favorite! All you need to have on hand: 1 head of romaine, […]
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Summer Squash Salad
Typically, I enjoy summer squash (zucchini and summer squash) grilled or sautéed in a skillet, but last night we enjoyed the squash uncooked in a salad. This is a quick fix side dish when you don’t feel like heating up the grill or stovetop. Simply cut (washed) zucchini and summer squash into very thin diagonal […]
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Stuff a Spud
The recipe of the day…Ta Dah!…Stuff a Spud! This little recipe is so easy and versatile as you can really top a spud with any of your favorite veggies, cheeses, herbs and even meats. We enjoyed our potatoes with a side of delicious marinated lean steak. In a previous post, I did a Breakfast Potato, […]
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Simple Kale Quinoa Salad
I seriously crave kale. Not sure if that is a ‘dietitian thing’ but it really is one of my favorite salad ingredients. Isn’t this kale gorgeous? Today…I have a kale recipe for you….but first let me fill you in on why I made this recipe… Last Friday, my daughter Chelsea had her wisdom teeth out….all […]
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