Low FODMAP Tips for the Holidays!

It’s time to get FESTIVE and enjoy some down time with family and friends! Image 3Just a few tips to keep your spirits and tummy happy and calm during the holiday season!

  • If traveling to your celebration, pack a ‘car or plane picnic’–a low FODMAP meal, suitable snacks (peanuts, gluten free pretzels, low FODMAP energy bar such as Go Macro peanut butter) rather than relying on fast food or other convenience options  that might not have suitable choices for your sensitive tummy.
  • Bring along your favorite low FODMAP appetizer or side dish or two to share–this will ensure you have something to enjoy during the holiday gathering too.
  • Pack plenty of your favorite low FODMAP beverages–water, peppermint tea, seltzer (if you tolerate the bubbles!) to keep hydrated during your travels and when you arrive at your destination.
  • Indulge in low FODMAP appetizers such as shrimp cocktail (add a splash of lemon-hold the cocktail sauce or just add a little), scallops and bacon, hard cheeses, olives, potato chips, baby carrots, bell peppers, cucumbers and other suitable veggies.  Bring along a lactose free dip made from Green Valley lactose free sour cream or lactose free cream cheese.
  • Ask the host in advance what the menu will be so you can get a heads up on what you can or can not eat during the celebration.
  • Eat a snack prior to going to the event so you can focus on the social aspects of the party rather than just the food!
  • Maintain your exercise routine! It’s easy to move away from your morning walk with all the hustle and bustle of the holiday but this can impact your digestive system!
  • Keep the libations to a minimum! Alcohol is a GI irritant!  Maybe just one glass of white or red wine? 🙂
  • Looking for appetizer recipe inspirations? How about trying the Pineapple Walnut Cheeseball, Buffalo Chicken Meatballs, or Lemon-y Kale Hummus?  Of course, I have a ton of recipes in my recipe section! Check it out here!

I am looking forward to family time and a bit of relaxing.  Wishing you the same! I will be away on vacation through the New Year! See ya next year! 🙂

Holiday wishes


6 replies on “Low FODMAP Tips for the Holidays!

  • Melinda L.

    Thank you for another year of the wonderful tips and recipes you provide for those of us with digestive troubles. I truly appreciate all you do and share.
    Happy Holidays and a Blessed New Year!


  • Juliane Baerwaldt

    Dear Kate,

    first of all I wish you a happy, happy new year. The best for you and your family. I`m so happy about your blog.

    Watching the information given in your blog I wonder whether these broths from savory choice are also available in Europe (UK would be o.k.). I have already looked out for other onion and garlic free products in Gemany but without success. 🙁
    And I`ve written a small mail to Emma Carder…
    These convenience products would really be a great addition for the quick cuisine when I go to work or when my husband cooks.

  • Elizabeth Henry

    Hi Kate,

    Thank you so much for your blog and story. It has been very helpful and makes me feel very hopeful. I I have been suffering with IBS for several years and have finally decided to give the diet a try. I am trying to schedule a meeting with a dietician since I have a lot of questions about what I can and can’t have.

    Here are a few items I am wondering about, any guidance you can give me would be helpful.
    -cough drops, gum, mints – Are there any brands that are on the Fodmaps diet?
    -Can I have veggie chips? They are made out of vegetables with some oils.
    -What oils can the food I eat be processed with?
    – What foods or brands of foods would you recommend to satisfy my sweet tooth?

    -Any additional items that any bloggers like would be helpful. This is day 2 of the fodmaps diet for me.

    Thank you very much!

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