I love risotto but cooking it can be cumbersome. The process requires constant stirring and the addition of hot broth every second–or maybe it just seems that way– and sometimes, I simply don’t have the time to spend over the stove. That is why, I love my slow cooker. Simple add your favorite risotto ingredients […]
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Creamy Polenta with Thyme and Parmesan
I love anything made with corn meal and creamy polenta is one of my favorites. Like mashed potatoes and gravy, polenta is truly a comfort food (and perhaps a bit healthier.) Just look at this creaminess dish of love. Being married to an Italian, I do like to experiment with traditional Italian dishes. Polenta is […]
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PB & J Granola Muffins
Who doesn’t like a good old-fashioned PB & J sandwich? Today I was inspired by a recipe I found in Family Circle magazine that made little muffin tins full of grains–oats, sunflower seeds and quinoa mixed with a bit of peanut butter with a smidge of strawberry preserves and I thought….this recipe is onto something. […]
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Buckwheat and Quinoa Granola
Before I share a great recipe with you…I wanted to share a bit about our fabulous weekend. We headed up to New Hampshire to visit with my sister, Trisha and her boyfriend, Mark for some lakeside fun. And…fun we had! On arrival, we packed a quick dinner and headed straight to Half Moon Lake. A […]
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Quinoa, Raisin and Sunflower Seed Granola Bars
I have been playing around a bit with quinoa (pronounced keen-wah) in the kitchen. It’s such an interesting grain that has ancient origins dating back to the Inca civilization. My latest craze has been Ancient Harvest’s Inca Red. This red quinoa seems to keep it’s texture a bit better than other quinoa I have experimented […]
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