Today is Tuesday! So… here’s your tip! The low FODMAP diet is an evidenced based diet shown to help improve symptoms in 75% of those who suffer with IBS…but sometimes there are overlapping food triggers for people with IBS. Not every one is sensitive to a cup of coffee ….but some people with IBS can […]
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Low FODMAP diet is NOT a FOREVER diet!
The low FODMAP diet has helped SO…many of my clients with IBS! Teaching the low FODMAP diet and seeing so many patient’s lives turn around has been SO rewarding! I love my job! But, it is important to know… the low FODMAP diet is a learning diet NOT a life long diet. Although it is awesome […]
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Low FODMAP broth
Even though the weather is still gorgeous here in New England, the fall is sneaking up and around the corner. Cooler weather translates to warm comfort foods–and soups certainly top the menu list. Although most commercial broths contain onion and garlic, Savory Choice offers a chicken, turkey and beef broth (both regular and reduced sodium), […]
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Low FODMAP Cookbook Give-A-Way!
Hello Friends. Today, I have another wonderful cookbook give-a-way! Sue Shepherd’s latest cookbook, The Low-FODMAP Diet Cookbook. Have I been giving lately or what? 😉 This book features 150 gluten free and low FODMAP recipes! How great is that!? I had so much fun scanning through all the wonderful recipes selecting which ones I will try […]
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Low FODMAP diet is not dairy free!
The low FODMAP diet is NOT a dairy free diet but rather low in lactose, the sugar found in cow, sheep and goat milk. If you have been tested for lactose malabsorption or intolerance and have been found to digest lactose sufficiently than you do not need to modify lactose on the low FODMAP diet. […]
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Yield to the almighty onion
Today is Tuesday and that means it is Tip Tuesday for those on the low FODMAP diet. Providing some real time tips for you in light and fun way. TAKE CAUTION! This is posted for your safety!! 🙂 So…what’s the deal with onions? They seem to be the biggest trigger for most people with IBS. Onions are a […]
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How to Make a Well-Balanced Low FODMAP Plate!
Hello Friends, In the ever changing world of FODMAPs, it is my hope to keep you up-to-date in a quick yet informative way via my blog. I will be focusing most of my upcoming Tuesday posts on quick tips…conveniently called, Tuesday’s Tips! So be on the lookout! Today’s Tuesday’s Tip: How to Make a Well-Balanced Low […]
Continue ReadingFunctional Gut Disorders: Patient Education and Advocacy
Well, Hello from Washington DC. I have been here now for 5 days and been very busy! I should say, busy but loving it. As I have mentioned in previous posts, I was asked to speak at a patient symposium hosted by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. This symposium covered all types […]
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Okay…I am so excited to be at U Michigan to speak about FODMAPs today! I have a very detailed agenda…so I will keep this post short and sweet! First stop, at 7:30 AM this morning (up and at ’em) I spoke at U Michigan GI grand rounds. Did I mention, I LOVE my job!? What […]
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