Simple Homemade Grainy Mustard

I found these very cute containers at Pier 1 and thought they would be perfect to fill with homemade mustard. So…I bought them.

Of course, once I get an idea in my head, I just have to make it happen.

I have made homemade mustard a couple of times, and found that my favorite is grainy mustard.  So, today it’s all about making grainy mustard.  I like to use a mixture of yellow and brown mustard seeds. Here’s my brown mustard seeds.

I buy frontier mustard seeds on line.  Here’s the yellow and the brown seeds getting measured for the recipe.

Soak seeds in your favorite vinegar overnight.  I used white wine vinegar.

Today, after a night of soaking, my seeds were ready to be whirled in the food processor.

Puree about 2/3 of the seeds with some salt and sugar… blending until it is a nice creamy mustard consistency.

Stir  in the remaining 1/3 soaked grains to create a nice grainy mustard or blend all the mustard seeds if you prefer a smooth mustard.

Pop in the fridge for a day or two to let the flavors infuse before you enjoy your homemade mustard.  It’s that easy.  Makes great gifts, too, for your mustard-loving friends or relatives. 🙂

Simple Homemade Grainy Mustard

1/4 cup yellow mustard seeds

1/4 cup brown mustard seeds

3/4 cup white wine vinegar or your favorite

1 1/2 tsp. sugar

1 tsp. salt

(Perhaps some water to thin if too much of the vinegar evaporates overnight.)

  • Place the mustard seeds in glass bowl and cover with vinegar.
  • Cover with plastic wrap and leave at room temperature overnight.
  • Next day, blend about 2/3 of the mustard mixture with salt and sugar in food processor fit with steel blade for about 5 minutes.
  • Fold in the remaining 1/3 grains to make a nice grainy mustard.
  • Store in glass jar in fridge for about a couple days prior to using.

I hope you try to make some simple homemade mustard.  

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