Upcoming Twitter Chat on the Low FODMAP Diet!

Hey FODMAPers and Friends,

I hope your week is off to a good start!  I wanted to let you know that along with The American Neurogastroenterology and Motility Society, I will be providing a Twitter chat about the low FODMAP diet on Tuesday, November 14, 2017 at 12 noon EST. The American Neurogastroenterology and Motility Society hosts informative conferences (I was fortunate to talk at one of their events) and is dedicated to the study of neurogastroenterology and gastrointestinal motility and functional GI disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome.

What’s a Twitter chat?  It is a live Q & A session via Twitter. I will be the host and will be asking and answering questions. I will be throwing out these question to those in the Twitterverse interested in talking about the low FODMAP diet.  IBS patients, healthcare providers and others will likely follow along and add to the discussion. I hope you chime in!

I will include the hashtag #ANMSchat with all my posts–this will allow you to use the search option on Twitter to see what is being said in this FODMAP chat.

I enjoy being on Twitter as I follow many leading gastroenterologists and gut microbiome researchers who share the latest science or their thoughts about topics I am quite interested in learning about.

If you are not on Twitter…consider getting on Twitter.  If Twitter is the last thing you want to participate in….then don’t join in. No pressure! 

I just wanted to share with all of you this upcoming event. 🙂

Where can you find me on Twitter during the chat? I will be using the ANMS twitter account which is @ANMSociety. And again, the hashtag for this Twitter chat is #ANMSchat.  In order for others to follow your comments, BE SURE to always add this hashtag to any tweets you want to be seen during the chat.

Again, to follow the chat, you can also add the hashtag #ANMSchat into the search option on Twitter and the Twitter chat feed will pop up and you can follow along.