Happy Friday! Russ and I are headed to Maine this weekend. I am looking forward to a nice, relaxing Mother’s Day Weekend. Happy Mother’s Day to my fellow Mom’s out there. Today, I thought I would share a fun recipe I made last week that you can enjoy as an appetizer or a side dish, […]
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Smothered with Love Chicken
I found a recipe for Fancy Pants Chicken…on Pinterest and Facebook. Love Love Love that name! But of course, it was not fully suitable for the low FODMAP diet…so I tweaked the recipe and here it is!! You’ll love this cheesy lusciousness. So good. All the flavors work so nicely together. All you do is […]
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Cheesy Yogurt and Herb Chicken
I am a chicken fan. {Just saying’} I admire those that can eat a vegetarian diet but my body and taste buds do enjoy a bit of meat. Today I made a Cheesy Yogurt and Herb Chicken. Serious yum. Very moist and very savory. I am not a steak or burger fan and can […]
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Russ and I visited Montréal this past weekend to celebrate our wedding anniversary of 22 years. YIKES…time sure does fly. What a fantastic city…I felt like we were in France and for us, it was just a 6 hour drive. The weather was BEAUTIFUL. And we really relaxed!….even dipped our toes in the fountain. When […]
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Almond, Parmesan and Dill Crackers.
I have never made homemade crackers so today I thought I would give it a whirl. I started with Bob’s Red Mill almond meal/ flour. This stuff is pure heaven. I am somewhat of a nut queen, so anything with nut ingredients is OK in my book. {FODMAPers almonds do have some FODMAPs so cut […]
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I love cooking and get very easily inspired to try new recipes. This past weekend we visited with Russ’ parents and my father-in-law, Tony shared a new gadget he had for his television that provided all sorts of recipes. I saw a picture of what looked like French Fries and when I took a closer […]
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Homemade Creamy Mozzarella!
Today, I made homemade creamy, delicious mozzarella cheese. To me, cheese making is a mix between science, art and love as is true for most things I make in my kitchen. 🙂 A couple years ago, I asked for a cheese making kit for Christmas. Yes, you read that right. Russ is always so great […]
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