Hello Friends! Sorry for being off grid for a bit. I blame pandemics (I hope you and your loved ones are staying healthy), other work commitments, writing gigs, and research projects for keeping me a bit too busy and away from posting on my blog. Good news! I am back! Most recently, I had the […]
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Prosciutto Carbonara with Kale (gluten free + low FODMAP)
Delicious, easy to make, low FODMAP and gluten free Prosciutto Pasta Carbonara with Kale. Try it, you’ll like it!
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Mediterranean Salad with Marinated “Feta- style” Tofu
A plant-based meal suitable for the low FODMAP diet, topped with a delicious marinated “feta-style” tofu.
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Lactose Free and Low FODMAP Ice Cream? Yes, please.
Beckon’s lactose free ice cream has many flavor options that are made with low FODMAP ingredients.
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Baked low FODMAP Eggplant Parmesan
Hello Friends! I hope you are all staying safe and feeling emotionally okay during these house-bound days. I have been enjoying the “cooking at home gig” –but have to admit I am running out of fun meal ideas! Feel free to leave a comment with a low FODMAP recipe link or quick recipe to share […]
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Simple Garam Masala Chickpea Curry
Hello Friends, I hope you and your family are continuing to hunker down and be safe. Wow, this is such an unusual time for all of us. It has been hard for me to get my head around what we are all enduring during this pandemic. I know there are many people struggling financially and […]
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Enjoy Life Foods for IBS + Celiac Disease
Hi Friends! Today’s post is sponsored by Enjoy Life Foods, a company that shares my passion for providing delicious and accessible food for people living with food allergies and many types of food intolerance. As always, the opinions and thoughts in this post are my own. Today, I want to talk to you about celiac […]
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April is IBS Awareness Month
Despite these unprecedented and challenging times, I think some structure in our daily lives and a sense of community is a good thing. So, let’s join forces to honor IBS Awareness Month with some great giveaways and content to support those living with IBS. As many of you know, I started the #IBelieveinyourStory campaign as […]
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Feeling Grief in Uncertain Times
Hello Friends, Just a quick check in. I hope you are your families are staying safe and have the comforts of home –fresh water, a warm bed, food that works for your body, and the opportunity to get outside and breathe the fresh air. I found this article today on my Twitter feed and wanted […]
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