This post is by Autumn Rauchwerk with support from me! – Kate Scarlata MPH, RDN Understanding oats and gluten contamination Oats are a naturally gluten free grain, however, they can be contaminated with gluten in the fields where they are grown or during the manufacturing process where they may be processed in the same facilities […]
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Dreamy Chai Cookies
Hello Friends! I have been meaning to post this Dreamy Chai Cookie recipe for over a week–but life got too busy! These spice-infused chewy cookies are dreamy–thus the name. 🙂 There is a mouthful of spices in every cookie including– ginger, cardamom, cloves, nutmeg, black pepper and cinnamon! YUM! And of course, they are low […]
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Instagram Live Digestive Health Series
Mark you calendar! Join me this December on Thursdays via Instagram as I go LIVE with expert dietitians, psychologists and physicians to talk about digestive health topics!
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Creamy Pumpkin Sauce with Pasta, Walnuts and Parsley
Delicious pumpkin pasta dish adorned with walnuts, parsley and Parmesan cheese!
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All about lentils, the low FODMAP diet & a hearty lentil soup recipe!
Fiber rich and hearty lentil soup recipe along with details on lentil nutrition and how lentils fit the Low FODMAP diet.
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Caprese Spaghetti Squash
A delicious and nourishing Low FODMAP spaghetti squash dish -Caprese style!
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Soy and the Low FODMAP Diet + Fresh Tofu Spring Roll Recipe
Hi! This is Rita Shushy Setrakian, Kate Scarlata’s intern for the next few weeks. I am a dietetic intern at Teachers College, Columbia University, where I also earned my Master’s of Science in nutrition education. I’m here to share a low FODMAP recipe with you using firm tofu! But before we get to cooking, let’s […]
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Gut-directed Hypnosis for IBS
Hello Everybody! Happy Thursday. I hope you are all staying healthy and tuning in to your physical and mental health needs. Today’s interview is with world-renowned clinical psychologist and health researcher, Olafur Palsson, PsyD from University of North Carolina’s Center of Functional GI & Motility Disorders. Dr. Palsson has an interest in the relationship between […]
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Best Ever Pumpkin Bars (low FODMAP + gluten free)
Hello and happy Fall from the great state of Maine! Russ and I have been hunkering down at our cottage in lower coastal Maine for the last 5 months. It’s been so lovely exploring coastal Maine on the weekends. I have had more lobster rolls this summer than any time in my entire life. Not […]
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