I love coconut anything. So last night I decided to make some Creamy Coconut Rice for the very first time. This is a quick fix recipe and my son, Brennan gave it the BIG thumbs up. I typically use brown rice in my recipes. I buy the Trader Joe’s frozen pre-cooked rice and use when […]
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Creamy Polenta with Thyme and Parmesan
I love anything made with corn meal and creamy polenta is one of my favorites. Like mashed potatoes and gravy, polenta is truly a comfort food (and perhaps a bit healthier.) Just look at this creaminess dish of love. Being married to an Italian, I do like to experiment with traditional Italian dishes. Polenta is […]
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Pinterest: Smashed Potatoes
So far, so good. I have yet to find a recipe on Pinterest that I don’t absolutely love! Last night’s experiment, Smashed Potatoes. Want the recipe? Well, then….It is not my own, so…..Check out the recipe here! Serious yum! My husband, Russ was all over these potatoes. He loved ’em. And when Russ is happy, […]
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Mediterranean Salad with Feta
I whipped up a pasta salad for a family picnic this past weekend but while I was chopping and dicing the vegetables to mix in with the pasta, I realized that I really liked the vegetable mixture all on it’s own. A nice refreshing blend of summer veggies with a lemon dill dressing and topped […]
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Accordion Potatoes
Happy Monday Everyone! Mondays aren’t my most favorite day … perhaps because Russ and I always have SO much fun on our weekends! This past weekend we headed to Saratoga Springs, New York! We visited with my friend Dianna (who I met during my dietetic internship at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital) her husband Neil […]
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Garlic-infused Zucchini Ribbons with Pine Nuts
I hope the week is treating your right so far! This week, I am reading a book called, The How of Happiness and in this book the author discusses scientific research about how one can increase their long term happiness. I am by nature a happy person I think 🙂 but the book intrigued me and […]
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Tropical Yogurt Delight
I hope everyone had an amazing weekend. I took a little road trip to Wickford, Rhode Island with my girlfriend Michelle on Saturday. Wickford is a small coastal town with fun shops and a handful of restaurants. It’s always good to put special time on the calendar to get caught up with friends. Outside […]
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Tomato Lime Quinoa Salad
My colleague, Patsy Catsos and I hosted our first workshop for registered dietitians on the low FODMAP diet in Portsmouth, New Hampshire last Friday. It was a blast working with a group of smart colleagues that share a passion for digestive health and nutrition. Here’s a few of the goodies we had available at the […]
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Spinach, Brie and Walnut Salad
The weather is warming up in Boston and I am very happy about that. I love outdoor activities, like hiking and running, preferably done without snow and ice. Today is the running of the Boston Marathon! Having run a marathon in warm conditions, {I ran the San Diego Rock’n Roll marathon} I feel for those […]
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