Seared Tomatoes with Feta, Oregano & Olives

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Well…hello, Mediterranean flavors….so nice to eat you.

I purchased a package of  heirloom cherry tomatoes, some fresh oregano, Greek feta and  kalamata olives.tomatoes and fetaIn a hot skillet with a little grape seed oil, I seared the tomatoes until browned on every side. Turned off the heat and tossed some feta over the tomatoes allowing the cheese to melt slightly.

Then, I removed the tomatoes and feta mixture and sprinkled a little fresh chopped oregano and olives.  MMMMmmmm! I expected this dish to taste good…but it exceeded my expectations. No joke.

I was inspired by this recipe on a cooking show I was watching while working out at the gym!  Nothing like working out while watching a cooking show …talk about getting hungry! Ha! 🙂  Hope you like this recipe as much as I did! seared tomatoes

Off to Japan.  

Keep up with my travels by following me on Instagram @katescarlata

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