Chocolate Bark with Toasted Quinoa, Cranberries and Pecans

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With the holiday season around the corner, I decided to whip up an interesting chocolate bark recipe for you to try.chocolate bark broken

This recipe was inspired from Wendy Polisi’s site!  I made slight changes to the recipe to make it low FODMAP.

First, you toast up some quinoa with coconut oil in a small saucepan. Then add the chocolate until melted. Toss in dried cranberries and chopped pecans.

Spread the mixture out on a small parchment lined baking sheet.  Pop in the fridge to firm it up.

chocolate bark

Break it in pieces and enjoy as a little sweet nosh.  Sooooo…good.

The quinoa adds a little extra fiber and a slight crunch. And we all know fruit, nuts and chocolate are healthy for us…so this recipe is all good. I hope you enjoy it as much as my family did this week… Not a morsel left!

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