Spring has always been my favorite time of year…new leaves sprouting, tulips and daffodils emerging from the cold soil and the joy of knowing summer would soon be here…but living in New England, the fall is the most magnificent visual. My mother always had a sprig of bittersweet in a vase in our home during fall…and I am too, taken by its beauty.The end of fall always felt a little bittersweet too….as I somewhat dreaded the cold winter soon to come. But, I am learning…. it’s important to change with the seasons. To embrace what each season brings. To be present and engaged in the gifts of the day… living each day to it’s fullest. Darker nights and colder days transition our lives to more home centered living. More cooking (yay!), more home projects (well-needed), more snowman making (love a snowman!) and maybe even some sledding. 🙂 I’d like to try something new this winter…maybe snow shoeing.
So today’s tip…embrace the day. Each and every one. Try to find the beauty in what you have rather than focus on what you don’t.
Bloom where you are planted.
P.S. Lisa P won Crystal’s Gastroparesis book! Congrats Lisa!!
Another book give-a-way soon….and you’ll love it!!