One of our family favorite breakfast cereals is Nature’s Path Gorilla Munch! This slightly sweet little ball of corn is so tasty. And my clients love it too! I have used this cereal in a variety of recipes….today’s featured recipe is a Gorilla Munch Trail Mix!In my recently launched balanced box for a digestive peace of mind, I created a super yummy chicken tender recipe with a nice crunchy coating including crushed Gorilla Munch. This recipe is exclusive to the box! Mmmm!
Today’s recipe is super easy! Just mix some gluten free pretzels, Nature’s Path Environkidz Gorilla Munch cereal, a few semi-sweet chocolate chips, a handful of pepitas (hulled pumpkin seeds) and salted peanuts. And you are good to go!
A sweet and savory combo…just perfect! I keep a supply on hand to take as a snack on the go. Want to whip some up? Well, then…here is the recipe!
- Serving size: ~1/2-3/4 cup mixture
- 2 Cups Gluten free Pretzels ( I use Synder's of Hanover GF pretzel sticks)
- 2 Cups Nature's Path Gorilla Munch
- 1/2 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
- 1/4 pepitas
- 1 cup salted peanuts (just salted, no extra seasonings)
- Mix ingredients and store in air tight container.
Oh…and just because you know I am in love with my crazy dog Lucy. I thought I would share a few pictures of her from our weekend!And here…getting some exercise!
So cute, right?!
Hi Kate,
This recipe looks yummy…unfortunately, I don’t tolerate corn. I’ve been looking for a breakfast cereal. Can you recommend a FODMAPs friendly cereal for clients who don’t tolerate corn (or oatmeal)?
Thanks much!
Laury Hunt
Hi Kate – that’s been my go-to for about a year and a half now. Sometimes I throw in some rice or corn chex and add some of the Panda Puffs (peanut butter flavored) instead of all Gorilla Mix
Thank you for listing the actual “brand” to purchase (in your recipes) that helps so much!! I am also Lactose Intolerant as well as being tested/diagnosed with Fructose Malabsorption. What brand of semi sweet chocolate chips to you recommend? I am guessing Enjoy Life Semi Sweet? I think I got sick from those once before, haven’t tried again. Any other recommendations okay for Fruc Mal & Lact Intol ?? Thank you so much for your BLOG, you have no idea!!! I need more packaged snacks to try that are Fodmap friendly and Lactose Intol Friendly!! I have been zero packaged food for almost 2 years, I have only had a few things here and there. But sooooooo afraid.
Jeani, I typically recommend semi-sweet (not milk) chocolate chips such as Ghirardelli or Hersheys–one with low fiber content. Small amounts..2 tablespoons or 30 grams.