First and foremost, Happy Thanksgiving to my US followers! I hope that you enjoy some relaxing time with family and friends over a nice meal. I did want to let you know that there are a number of free events that I am involved with over at TuesdayNightIBS, check out our brand-new website and upcoming […]
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Dietitian Deep Dive offers 2 hour educational workshop on the topic of bloating
Calling all GI dietitians! Are you ready to improve your skills helping patients with the symptom of bloating? Understanding Bloating: It’s Not Just About the Food is a 2 hour workshop that will cover all the science and mechanisms for bloating to help manage this troubling symptom experienced by many GI patients in clinical practice. While […]
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A Digestible Chat with FODMAP diet expert registered dietitian, Patsy Catsos
Hi Everyone! I am excited to share my latest digestible chat interview with my dear friend and colleague, Patsy Catsos MS, RDN. Patsy and I have shared some incredible educational and global traveling speaking opportunities together in the field of gastroenterology and nutrition. Here’s a picture of Patsy with with her sweet pup, Stella. Kate: […]
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Digestive Chat with Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist, Dr. Caryn Phillips
Today, I’m sharing another digestive chat with you. This interesting and informative interview is with one of my favorite, pelvic floor physical therapists, Dr. Caryn Phillips. In my clinical practice, I have often referred my patients with GI disorders such as IBS or chronic constipation to pelvic physical therapists or alternatively, began the discussions with […]
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Digestible Chat with GI Dietitian + Celiac Disease Expert, Jessica Lebovits RD, CDN, CNSC
In today’s Digestible Chat, I interview GI dietitian and celiac expert, Jessica Lebovits, RD, CDN, CNSC. Learn about the interesting study Jessica has been involved in that looks at the impact of having celiac disease and dating- as well as her top 3 books for celiac disease and gluten free living! Kate: Can you share what […]
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Please Help with IBS Research
Hello Friends, We are looking for people living with IBS to participate in a survey study. The survey should take less than 5 minutes and will help provide key information regarding social determinants of health in IBS care. Health is determined by many factors from genetics, behaviors, environmental and physical influences, medical care and a variety […]
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Digestible Chat with GI dietitian, Beth Rosen MS, RDN
Today, I am excited to introduce to you another one of my GI dietitian colleagues, Beth Rosen MS, RDN. Beth is a leader in weight inclusive approaches in GI care. I appreciate Beth’s thoughts and perspective in nutritional therapeutics. Together we will learn from Beth, her approach to GI nutrition interventions along with her 3 […]
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IBS Awareness Month Giveaways + more!
Hello Friends, As we wrap up another important IBS Awareness Month, I wanted to take a moment to share a few special offerings from my friends at Fody foods and Dr. Schär. But, first, in case you missed the complimentary webinar on World IBS Day titled: IBS Updates: from Mimickers to Novel Therapeutics and the Patient […]
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A Digestible Chat: An Interview with GI Expert Dietitian Emily Haller MS, RDN
Hello Friends, today I would like to introduce my friend, colleague and GI dietitian expert, Emily Haller MS, RDN. Emily and I have worked together on a number of projects including a couple peer-reviewed journal articles together. She’s smart, fun, collaborative and great all around person! Learn more about Emily and what she does in practice […]
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