In today’s post, I provide an interview with Dr. Hana Zickgraf , a researcher, whose research focus is on factors that influence food choice and preference, including food insecurity, food preferences, energy balance, disordered eating cognitions, appetite, mood, and anxiety. Dr. Zickgraf’s primary focus is on avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder, (ARFID), an eating disorder characterized […]
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Introducing Dietitian Deep Dive + the 3 Session SIBO Series
Hello Friends! This post is geared toward my clinician followers. I am excited to share an upcoming educational program platform for dietitians called, Dietitian Deep Dive. I have partnered with Erin Judge, RD to provide a more deep dive approach into nutrition education for gastrointestinal conditions–and our first series is on small intestinal bacterial overgrowth […]
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Let’s talk about oats for a gluten free diet
This post is by Autumn Rauchwerk with support from me! – Kate Scarlata MPH, RDN Understanding oats and gluten contamination Oats are a naturally gluten free grain, however, they can be contaminated with gluten in the fields where they are grown or during the manufacturing process where they may be processed in the same facilities […]
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Food Intolerance vs. Food Allergy
Let’s start with this: food allergy and food intolerance are NOT the same thing. If you are concerned you may have a food allergy or are experiencing food intolerance, discuss your concerns with your medical doctor for a proper work up and treatment. Food allergy is an abnormal immune response to a food protein and […]
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GI Disorders + Food Fears
Today’s topic is one near and dear to me. As a dietitian, I would ideally love everyone to love “all the foods” and “all the foods” to love everyone back. Working in digestive health the past 25 + years, I realize life doesn’t always allow for that. As a young dietitian, the thought of working […]
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Bloating: Potential Causes and Treatments + a Book Giveaway!
I thought I would talk about bloating today. Does that sound like a good plan? Abdominal bloating is a common clinical problem, and I would say, it is one of the most bothersome symptom in individuals with IBS. What contributes to bloating? “Four factors are involved in the pathophysiology of bloating: a subjective sensation of […]
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Don’t settle with unrelenting digestive symptoms, talk to your doctor about treatment options.
Today’s post is sponsored by Salix Pharmaceuticals, but the thoughts and opinions in this post are my own. As many of you know, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common intestinal condition that occurs in about 15% of Americans and 11% of people, globally. IBS that occurs with the primary symptom of diarrhea is referred […]
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Kim’s Story
As part of the #IBelieveinyourStory campaign, Kim shares her IBS journey. Everyone’s IBS story may take some twists and turns–but the goal is to find a solution that allows for a better quality of life–less pain, less digestive symptoms and a better sense of what is working for you–and what is not. Diet changes to […]
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Dealing with the Emotional Scars of SIBO or IBS. When to Get Help.
Today’s topic is about the emotion scars associated with experiencing severe GI symptoms related to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). For some, a difficult experience with SIBO or severe IBS may result in post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Image credit: Photo by Abigail Keenan on Unsplash First, I will briefly share […]
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