Let’s Talk IBS, Digestive Health & More via PODCAST!

Hello Friends! It is less than one week until IBS Awareness Month! We have some exciting things to share with you during the next month. Of all the work I have done in my career, it is serving the IBS community that is by far the most important and most rewarding. Thank YOU for being a part of this journey.

If you are not following me yet on Instagram, I suggest you might want to do so soon! We have a number of great IBS-friendly give-a-ways next month that I will be featuring only on my Instagram account.

I have also been interviewed on numerous podcasts in the last few months and wanted to let you know where you can find my latest interviews…especially for you podcast lovers out there!

Party in my Plants had me on to share the Low Down on FODMAPs. Check out this light-hearted and informative interview here. 

I talked about one of my favorite topics= poop, in Regan Jones’ This Unmillennial Life podcast. Regan affectionately calls this the Poop episode. Ha! Check it out here. 

My colleague, Jill Castle shares my thoughts about trying the low FODMAP diet with kiddos on her The Nourished Child podcast. Check it out here. 

Melissa Dobbins, a media savvy dietitian shares my thoughts on IBS and the low FODMAP diet on her popular SoundbitesRD podcast here. 

Dr. Susan Mitchell shares a short interview with me on FODMAPs and the low FODMAP diet too! Catch it here.

And lastly, I am looking to share a few more IBS stories during IBS awareness month.  If you would be willing to share your IBS journey, please send me an email at inquiries@katescarlata.com.