Last night I had a group of wonderful women come to my house to make Pay it forward baskets. Each of us was responsible for selecting our our containers to make beautiful flower filled baskets –one for ourselves (self love is important, right?) and one for a friend in need of a little love and sunshine. It doesn’t take a lot to let someone know you are thinking about them during a tough time. Yet, I think most of us get too caught up in our own ‘busy-ness’ that we forget that someone near and dear could use a little unexpected love.
I have always loved the notion of paying it forward. I loving paying for the person behind me in the coffee drive through–or unexpectedly dropping a treat for a friend ….some little item that reminded me of them.
I do think the world needs a bit more of paying it forward.
Our Pay it forward baskets were filled with spring flowers and little treasures such as mini bird’s nest, lady bugs, birds, moss, and grass…takes such little effort to make up a beautiful flower basket; yet, it can mean so much. My friend’s baskets were all gorgeous…and we enjoyed creating them together and having some time to re-connect.
And as we all learn as we become grown-ups… it really is much greater to give than receive.
What’s your favorite way to pay it forward? Please share!