Despite these unprecedented and challenging times, I think some structure in our daily lives and a sense of community is a good thing. So, let’s join forces to honor IBS Awareness Month with some great giveaways and content to support those living with IBS. As many of you know, I started the #IBelieveinyourStory campaign as […]
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Donate to IBS Research
Hello Friends! As you know, it is IBS awareness month and via the #IBelieveinyourStory campaign, I am on a mission to change the future of IBS. As you know, treatments for IBS are currently suboptimal. Most medications have side effects and don’t work for many. The low FODMAP diet is effective in managing symptoms in […]
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IBS Awareness Month 2018
Hello Everyone! Today is the start of IBS Awareness Month. This month I have numerous gut-friendly giveaways, share many digestive health stories, and so much more. I hope to engage with all of you via my social media accounts so we can start the healing, raise money for much needed research and give every IBS […]
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Researcher’s Quest to Understand the Role of Diet & IBS
Hello Friends, As part of IBS awareness month and the #IBelieveinyourStory campaign, I would like to introduce you to Dr. William Chey, a gastroenterologist and researcher at University of Michigan. Dr. Chey has been on the forefront of IBS research in the US studying the role of the low FODMAP diet and IBS. In fact, […]
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Support & Compassion for those with IBS (and Give-a-way!)
It’s not fun having tummy trouble and sometimes you could use a helping hand. Today’s post is all about how a friend or family member can provide a little support to their favorite someone that is suffering with IBS/SIBO. If you are reading this and suffer with SIBO or IBS, perhaps send this post off […]
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IBS Awareness Month
As April draws to a close, so does the end of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Awareness Month. Today, I thought I would provide some of my thoughts about the state of care for IBS patients: the good, the bad and the ugly. IBS is a massive clinical problem impacting up to 20% of Americans. Many […]
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April is National IBS Awareness Month!
We have been busy at working on some new educational handouts, packaging up and mailing balanced boxes, working individually with clients with IBS, helping dietitians out in the field with numerous FODMAP questions, outlining a new book (Yay!), and interviewing some smart GI docs for upcoming topics for the blog and articles I hope […]
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