Hello Friends! Just around the corner is IBS Awareness Month and I wanted to share a few things with you as we get loud next month and provide support to people living with IBS. Four years ago, I started the IBelieveinyourStory campaign as a way to support + raise awareness of the patient journey living […]
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Kim’s Story
As part of the #IBelieveinyourStory campaign, Kim shares her IBS journey. Everyone’s IBS story may take some twists and turns–but the goal is to find a solution that allows for a better quality of life–less pain, less digestive symptoms and a better sense of what is working for you–and what is not. Diet changes to […]
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IBS Awareness Month 2018
Hello Everyone! Today is the start of IBS Awareness Month. This month I have numerous gut-friendly giveaways, share many digestive health stories, and so much more. I hope to engage with all of you via my social media accounts so we can start the healing, raise money for much needed research and give every IBS […]
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I Believe in Your Story Campaign
April is IBS Awareness Month. I hope you join the mission of the #IBelieveinyourStory campaign.
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Eleanor’s Story
As part of the #IBelieveinyourStory campaign, I am sharing Eleanor’s story. Eleanor sent her message to be via my email and you can too! If you want to provide inspiration or hope to others suffering from IBS and/or SIBO or simply want to share your story with me, write: inquires@katescarlata.com Eleanor’s Story: “I wanted to […]
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Low FODMAP Product Give-a-ways!
For IBS awareness month, I have 3 delicious give-a-ways. Enter to win!
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Story of Hope #IBelieveinyourStory
As part of the #IBelieveinyourStory IBS & SIBO Awareness campaign, I will be sharing a few stories on the blog this month that others have shared with me about their digestive health story. I truly believe sharing your story can be therapeutic, empowering, inspirational and healing. In fact, I cried recalling and writing my own […]
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