One of my fondest memories of Ireland was the delicious whole grain bread served at every meal. Made with buttermilk and whole grains, the bread is rich and hearty. Ireland is such a beautiful country with breathtaking scenery. Many homes have such an inviting feel. The small little villages are so quaint. Russ and I […]
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Capo’s Chicken with sweet pecan mustard glaze
I started my college career at Emory University in Atlanta. Not really knowing what I wanted to be when I grew up, I knew that a school with a strong science department was a good place to start. I used to love to go to a little restaurant in the Virginia Highlands area of Atlanta […]
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Garlic-infused oil
Well, today, Winter decided to show up in Boston. We have had an unseasonably warm winter thus far, and believe me, I am NOT complaining! Russ and I decided to start our day with a walk in the snow with our furry friend, LUCY! Lucy is our 2 year old chocolate lab. Love walking off […]
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Itty bitty fruit pies
No doubt about it, I have a sweet tooth! I like to finish my dinner with a little smackering of sweetness. I was on Pinterest and someone posted mini apple pies made in a pie tin. How cute is that? I love the idea of making mini desserts. My son, Kevin, loves apple pie […]
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Fifteen years ago I took my, then, 5-year-old daughter Chelsea to New York City. It was just the two of us. We took the bus from Boston to the Big Apple. Two chicks on the move. I remember our trip to the city like it happened yesterday. We hit all the hot spots! Times Square, the […]
Continue ReadingPumpkin Pie Overnight Oats
I am filling in for a fellow dietitian while she’s on maternity leave on Tuesday’s at one of Boston’s teaching hospitals. I love being back in the hospital setting BUT it has required that I set my alarm for a 4:30 wake up call, thankfully just one day a week! Seriously, yikes! Guess what makes […]
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Homemade and Fab Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Granola Bars
Despite trying to focus a bit more on relaxing in 2012, I really am a girl on the go. As a private practice dietitian, I find myself busy with clients, emails, writing, and of course, blogging and I need to have quick and healthy snacks to grab on the run. Since I had major intestinal surgery […]
Continue ReadingFrench Macarons
I love the way the French display their wares…food, clothing, even paper products seem to always be displayed with care, pride and attention to detail. I love that! Did I mention I just LOVE Paris?! I especially love the macaron’s at Ladurée. When I first stepped foot into Ladurée, I felt like a child in the […]
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Perk up your greens! (All low FODMAP salad dressing recipes)
I am not a big fan of store-bought salad dressing just because so many of them have unheard of ingredients and just don’t taste that great. Many of my clients with sensitive stomachs can’t eat onion and garlic and they are staple ingredients in most dressings too. So… I thought I would share some easy […]
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