Hello Friends, As we wrap up another important IBS Awareness Month, I wanted to take a moment to share a few special offerings from my friends at Fody foods and Dr. Schär. But, first, in case you missed the complimentary webinar on World IBS Day titled: IBS Updates: from Mimickers to Novel Therapeutics and the Patient […]
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A Digestible Chat: An Interview with GI Expert Dietitian Emily Haller MS, RDN
Hello Friends, today I would like to introduce my friend, colleague and GI dietitian expert, Emily Haller MS, RDN. Emily and I have worked together on a number of projects including a couple peer-reviewed journal articles together. She’s smart, fun, collaborative and great all around person! Learn more about Emily and what she does in practice […]
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Looking for Low FODMAP Breakfast Inspo? Here you go!
How to start your day off with a delicious, nourishing low FODMAP breakfast
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April is IBS Awareness Month
Hello Friends! Just around the corner is IBS Awareness Month and I wanted to share a few things with you as we get loud next month and provide support to people living with IBS. Four years ago, I started the IBelieveinyourStory campaign as a way to support + raise awareness of the patient journey living […]
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When Food Choices Lead to Nutritional and/or Psychosocial Impairment, an interview with Dr. Hana Zickgraf
In today’s post, I provide an interview with Dr. Hana Zickgraf , a researcher, whose research focus is on factors that influence food choice and preference, including food insecurity, food preferences, energy balance, disordered eating cognitions, appetite, mood, and anxiety. Dr. Zickgraf’s primary focus is on avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder, (ARFID), an eating disorder characterized […]
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The IBS Experience: Pictures, Prose and Poetry
Hello Friends! As you may be well aware, April is IBS awareness month. We are looking for individuals living with irritable bowel syndrome to share their patient experience in a creative format via a painted picture, photo collage or written in poetry or prose. A collection of your creative pieces will be selected to be […]
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Dietitian Deep Dive Launches its Next 2-Part Educational Series
Hello friends! For my clinician followers, I wanted to let you know that for the next Dietitian Deep Dive series, The Relationship Between Disordered Eating & GI Conditions, registration is now open! This series is sponsored by Mahana Therapeutics. In Part 1, we will review the prevalence of disordered eating and eating disorders and the […]
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Quick + Easy Low FODMAP Chicken Piccata
Hello Friends! Once again, I just wanted to share my recent recipe post that I shared on my instagram account… Lemon-y Chicken Piccata–made easy and Low FODMAP. I love the light flavors in this savory dish! Russ and I went to a local farmer’s market in Bethesda last Sunday and found a delicious gluten free (made with […]
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Debunking Low FODMAP Diet Myths
This post is by Mel Spinella with support from me! – Kate Scarlata MPH, RDN. Mel has a Master of Science degree in Nutrition Education from Teachers College, Columbia University and is working towards becoming a registered dietitian. The Low FODMAP diet (LFD) has been shown to improve gastrointestinal symptoms in about 50-70% of people […]
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