FODMAPs 101 and SIBO educational handouts

Hello Friends.

Just wanted to be sure you knew that I have uploaded a free FODMAPs 101 educational handout.  This is an introductory guide about FODMAPs.  For dietitians in practice, you may find this guide works well for educating your patients.  It works well with my other FODMAP educational tools found here. fodmaps101

For those with a new diagnosis of small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), I have a new SIBO guide too!

This is not a free handout.  Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth is a condition that has not been widely studied.  I created my recommendations based on my personal experience with this condition, clinical observations in my patients, research that I have gathered from clinical papers and personal perspectives via dialogue with leading SIBO experts, such as Mark Pimentel from Cedar Sinai. There are NO evidenced based diets for SIBO and often diet needs to be adjusted to individual tolerance.  My philosophy is to implement the least restrictive diet as possible to nourish the body adequately.  I believe, a low FODMAP diet is a good starting point, adjusting and adding in foods as tolerated.

6 replies on “FODMAPs 101 and SIBO educational handouts

  • Casey

    I am so grateful for your continued contributions to this field. I visit your website several times a week for information, recipes, and inspiration.

    I love reading your posts–they’re sprinkled with just the right amount of personality. Your content is thoughtful and educational, and has been invaluable in my recovery.

    Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.

    • katescarlata

      I certainly appreciate your kind words, Casey. I spend lots of time researching, blogging and trying to provide accurate info. and to help as many people as I can. Nice to get the positive remarks and appreciation!

  • Beth B

    Simply put, you save lives, Kate. While IBS, SIBO and various other gut problems don’t literally destroy life, they can destroy life quality – the ability to function effectively at work, at play, and the freedom to live richly.

    Simply put, you allow us to retrieve our lives, like Lucy retrieves balls (maybe?). : )

  • Contented Belly

    Thank you for this information and for working on the FODMAP diets, SIBO, etc. There is not information out there on these digestive disorders and we need nutritionists like you to spread the word and educate sufferers and health care professionals.

  • Jeanne

    Hi Kate,

    I’m wondering if you could comment on fennel seeds. I haven’t been able to find anything definitive on whether they are allowed on the FODMAP plan or not. Whole Foods makes a chicken sausage that has chicken, fennel seeds, salt and pepper as the only ingredients. No garlic or onion! But I’m wondering… are fennel seeds allowed… or problematic?

    Thanks for any insight you can offer.


  • Margaret VanDyke

    Dear Kate, you are my only hope. After months of suffering even though I follow the FODMAP diet very carefully, I finally had the breathe test and this am the nurse called to say it was negative and I “didn’t have overgrowth.” She suggested a PIP. I know better than to take that, but what will I do? I have all the symptoms of SIBO (belching, bloating, gas) which seem to be mostly in the evening and at night. Sometimes I wake up bloated and full of gas when I went to bed without any symptoms! I don’t know what the dosage is for the herbal “antibiotic” for the SIBO and am not even sure what the herbs are other than oregano. I’m afraid to take any of that without your thoughts on form and dose. Can you please help? Your blog is my lifeline along with Monash. I have read every post and find my questions in lots of them. Thank you so much for your invaluable help.

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