I NEED YOU! This Saturday, April 1st kicks off National IBS Awareness Month and I am launching a campaign called #IBelieveinyourStory. The purpose of the campaign is to raise awareness, raise funding for research and support patient care through educational initiatives for patients and healthcare providers. An International Survey of patients that suffer with IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) revealed that […]
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Seasonal allergies and GI inflammation
Do you suffer from enhanced GI symptoms during allergy season? The timing of allergy season varies depending on where you live. According to American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology tree, grass and ragweed pollens thrive during cool nights and warm days. Did you know that birch pollen allergic patients frequently experience gastrointestinal upset during birch […]
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The Team Approach is Best for IBS patients
The Beatles created beautiful music. John and Paul complimented each other bringing together their different styles of music to create a balance of introspection and melody. Individually, each Beatle, Ringo, Paul, John and George were great musicians in their own right, but I think it is safe to say, their collaborative work exceeded their solo work. […]
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Getting the Most Out of your Visit with the Gastroenterologist
It takes two. In every relationship, there is a little give and a little take, right? This is true for your patient-doctor relationships too!My message to you today: Be an active partner in this relationship! You and your doctor should work collaboratively together in an effort to help you feel your very best. Your relationship […]
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IBS, Probiotics, Gut Microbiome
In September (2014), I attended a probiotic symposium hosted by Harvard Medical School here in Boston. Leaders around the globe spoke about the changes that occur in our gut microbiome throughout the lifespan. The talk mostly covered changes in our microbiome rather than what probiotics one should take to aid symptom management for IBS but […]
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Always listen to your body!
Today is Tuesday! So… here’s your tip! The low FODMAP diet is an evidenced based diet shown to help improve symptoms in 75% of those who suffer with IBS…but sometimes there are overlapping food triggers for people with IBS. Not every one is sensitive to a cup of coffee ….but some people with IBS can […]
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Well, Hello from Washington DC. I have been here now for 5 days and been very busy! I should say, busy but loving it. As I have mentioned in previous posts, I was asked to speak at a patient symposium hosted by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. This symposium covered all types […]
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FODMAP friendly Hummus
Just a quick post today about hummus. It’s an awesome snack food made with fiber rich chickpeas, tahini, garlic and everything a healthy heart could ask for….but for people with a FODMAP sensitivity–hummus can be a gut wrencher. That’s because garlic has fructans, tahini just a 1/2 tablespoon is a source of GOS and fructans […]
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You know when you talk to someone and have a solid feeling you are on the same page…this is how I feel about Teresa Sienkiewicz. I have actually never met Teresa in person yet. But she and I have been working together to help manage our mutual clients who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome. I […]
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