Embrace good self care during the holiday season.
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10 Tips on Living Life to the Fullest with IBS &/or SIBO
Tips on embracing a well-balanced life for those with GI distress.
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Navigating the 1st Date with IBS
Hello FODMAPers and Friends. This post is for those of you that are single and navigating the dating scene with IBS. Did you just make a date on Bumble, Tinder, Match.com? Or perhaps you are going out with a friend of a friend or blind date? I’m guessing that you didn’t mention you’ve got IBS […]
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The Potential Role of Prebiotics & Probiotics in IBS
Hello my fellow gut health fans! Today’s topic is about the role of prebiotics and probiotics for individuals with IBS. Let’s start with a primer on prebiotics and probiotics, shall we? What’s a prebiotic? In December 2016, microbiology, nutrition and research experts were gathered by the International Scientific Association for Probiotics and Prebiotics to discuss a […]
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Got IBS? Here are 10 Things You Should Know.
10 things to keep in mind if you’ve got IBS.
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Intersection of IBS, SIBO & the Low FODMAP Diet
Hey Friends. Today’s post includes a bit of “alphabet soup”: SIBO, IBS & FODMAPs. I will start with a brief introduction of SIBO and commonly asked questions about this disorder. I will then provide a few low FODMAP diet updates too! Let’s start with SIBO, shall we? What is SIBO? SIBO is a condition where […]
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Do You Need Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy?
When I work with patients that experience IBS-C, 3 potential key pieces of their digestive health care puzzle come to mind: Adjust & individualize diet: either trial a low FODMAP diet (particularly modifying fructans and GOS), potentially reduce dairy, and ensure adequate fiber per tolerance for starters. Rule out methane + small intestinal bacterial overgrowth. […]
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Support SIBO Research!
Hi Friends! It’s the last weekend of IBS Awareness Month and I want to thank each and everyone of you that put yourself out there by donating $ to research, sharing your story or posting your pictures to Instagram. We had over 155 public pictures posted on Instagram using the hashtag #IBelieveinyourStory. Yay! 🙂 The […]
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Low FODMAP Cookbook Give-a-way!
Hello Friends! In honor of IBS Awareness Month, I have another give-a-way for my favorite FODMAPers! I asked Patsy Catsos, fellow dietitian and US-based FODMAP expert, if she might donate one or two of her latest book as a give-a-way on my blog…and… Good News! Today, I have TWO copies of Patsy Catsos’ latest IBS book […]
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