Fodmaps-friendly Fruit Salad

Enjoy about a cup of this at a time.  Fruit is rich in fructose so avoid large portions.  The fruit in this colorful fruit salad is FODMAPs friendly!

Mix together and refrigerate!  And of course, enjoy!

1 cantaloupe, seeded and chopped into bite size pieces

2 pints strawberries, hulled remove stem and cut in bite size pieces

1 pint blueberries

2-3 kiwi skinned and sliced

3 replies on “Fodmaps-friendly Fruit Salad

  • Vanessa Chase

    I noticed that in one of your photos you have pineapple. I was under the impression that pineapple was high in FODMAPS. Is this a borderline amount?
    Thank you so much!!!!

  • Ashlee

    I was just recently told I have IBS, I have to follow a low FODMAP diet can you give me some recommendations as I am new to all this,

    I can not eat blueberries just so you know


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