Simply Gum Give-a-way!

Hello Friends! I haven’t done a fun give-a-way in a bit and thought it was about time! Simply gum reached out to say, hello and talk to me a bit about their all-natural, premium chewing gum. I had already scoped out this product months ago. I absolutely love their packaging! And, admittedly, I love gum too! But as you know, most gums are loaded with artificial ingredients, particularly, FODMAP sources of sugar alcohols: mannitol, sorbitol and xylitol!pallette

As a little important side note: Two weeks ago, my crazy but cute chocolate lab, Lucy got hold of some sugar-free gum hidden in a box under my son’s bed.  NOT good. The gum was full of xylitol–which is toxic to dogs. Lucy managed to eat all 40 pieces of the gum! Thank goodness I knew that sugar free gum is dangerous for dogs–it is toxic to their liver! Within minutes I was on the phone with the veterinarian and poison center.  Lucy was well-cared for at Tuft’s University Vet center…thankfully! And is on the mend! Aww… Lucy!!IMG_4399

So that is my little side story on sugar-free gum and dogs.  We don’t want any of this sugar alcohol toxic-to-dogs (who knows what its doing to us!) stuff in our home anymore!

Simply gum is made with organic dried cane juice (sugar), natural chicle, natural oils (cinnamon oil, ginger oil etc), vegetable glycerin, sunflower lecithin and organic rice flour.  Like most US foods, it has not been officially tested for FODMAPs. But it is one of the most natural gum products on the market. If you would like to give Simply Gum a try…I will be giving a way 3 packs each of the Simply Gum in the mint, ginger and cinnamon flavors.  Kindly leave a comment, “I’d like to try Simply gum” and you will be entered to win!unnamedOh…and did you see that Glamour magazine did a piece on FODMAPs in their August Issue?? I was happy that they quoted me! And Fox News picked up the story too, yesterday! Here is the Fox link!

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