Kim’s Story

As part of the #IBelieveinyourStory campaign, Kim shares her IBS journey.  Everyone’s IBS story may take some twists and turns–but the goal is to find a solution that allows for a better quality of life–less pain, less digestive symptoms and a better sense of what is working for you–and what is not.

Diet changes to manage GI distress should allow for a fuller and more predictable life, not a more restrictive one.

I struggled with stomach troubles since I was a young child. I think I have been constipated my entire life. I can remember being fed prunes when I was about 7 or 8 years old. I started having pain when I was 15. I was told at that time that I had too much acid in my stomach and I has chronic gastritis. Oh – by the way, I am 59 now and just recently found relief for my stomach problems. After I had my gall bladder removed in 2002 I was given a PPI to take. It worked for about a year and then I had to try another brand. Eventually I found Nexium and had been on that for 10 years, daily. None of the generic brands worked any more.

I found the low FODMAP diet about two years ago and discovered some foods that were a problem for me. My doctor is now prescribing the diet to his patients who have had consistent stomach problems.  In the past six or seven months I have been seeing a nurse practitioner who practices functional medicine. We’ve done a bunch of tests and found some more answers to my problems.  I was able to go off of my PPI but still am taking Ranatidine every day.

I have discovered a number of foods that cause discomfort all the way up to migraines. I no longer suffer from constipation or diarrhea (which I had both consistently for many years). I was diagnosed with IBS C and D because both of those things were prevelant in my life. I rarely had a normal bowl movement. Now, I rarely have either of the other two. Gas was a huge problem for me and now it is an occasional problem. I am so thankful to the Lord for leading me to the help that I needed. I am so thankful that I found the low FODMAP diet and then the IFM Elimination Diet, both of which helped me to discover foods that were causing problems for me. Sucralose was a huge factor in how I felt – it caused debilitating fatigue, gas, and pain. Wheat causes gas and insomnia. I loved eating hummus, but after about six months of eating it, it is now causing problems for me!

I don’t have all the answers as to why I struggle with tummy trouble, but I am doing so much better now. Thank you so much for putting yourself out there to help people like me!


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