Wishing you a Peaceful Holiday Season

Hey Friends,

I just wanted to take a moment to wish you all a peaceful and magical holiday season.

Take a deep breath in and take in all the good in your life.  It’s easy to get caught up in life’s challenges but try your very best to remember all of life’s blessings, especially this time of year.

Show yourself kindness and love by surrounding yourself with people that give you the love and the respect you most certainly deserve.

Remember to take care of that body of yours.  Feed yourself foods for your mind and your body; foods that you enjoy and savor. Food that loves you back. Let your body be your guide (not crazy food rules found on the internet)!

Lose shame, guilt, and rules that are impossible to follow.

Realize that we are all works in progress and sometimes we need to work really hard at unlearning some things that no longer serve us.

Utilize external cues to help you relax.  Dim the lights, put your phone away,  play joyful music, light a candle, cozy up on the couch with a comfy blanket and simply take a well-deserved break.

Because YOU deserve it.





9 replies on “Wishing you a Peaceful Holiday Season

  • Susan Nowlin

    These messages on your blog and what you do on social media are so incredibly helpful! Not only does it help me get my head in the right place, it makes me feel not so alone. All of us struggle with the same thing, it normalizes it vs have me feeling that something is wrong with me because I get anxious. Thanks so much!!

  • Martha Souza

    Thank you Kate. Sometimes we need permission to relax and stop being so anxious about making the perfect holiday. i need to save some of “me” for the family. That’s what it is all about.

  • Esther

    To you Kate ..
    The timing of your message is perfect !
    I do stress this time of year ..
    I forget there is a ME !
    And I do need a break !
    Thank you for reminding me !
    You are such a blessing !
    From me to you ..
    “Heartfelt wishes for a wonderful Christmas and a very happy healthy New Year !”

  • Sandy

    Happy holidays to you, too! This is such an inspirational and timely message for me. I so appreciate you and the information you so thoughtfully put forth. And your cookbook and online recipes are fantastic! Thanks for “having our back!”

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