Are you feeling the love?

What have you done for yourself lately?

Some people are really good at prioritizing their needs first.  Some of us just need a little reminder to set aside some me time!

I do think some people are better at giving than receiving.  Some are better at caring for others than themselves.  Perhaps it’s all in the genes….our DNA has aligned our cards to make us fit into some type of mold.

But, everyone needs and desires a little self love.  It’s so important to take time for YOU.

This is your life.  Don’t you want to create a good one?

So may I suggest you start making a list.

What would YOUR  PERFECT kind of day look like?

Who would you spend it with?  A great friend, a spouse, a child or perhaps a little alone time?

What would you do?

Start compiling a list of what brings you joy?

Actually, while we are on this topic….when was the last time you felt pure joy?

A little self love goes a loooooooonnnnnng way.

Sometimes, all I need is my big comfy couch, a glass of red wine and my man. 🙂

But taking a nice long walk with my sweet girl Lucy brings me joy too.

It’s not selfish.  It’s self love.

Now get out your pad and start planning a joy-filled day.  And of course, put your plans right on your calendar so it’s not just a dream….but YOUR reality.

This week find time to create your joy!

I love this little book called Love Life-filled with quotes about embracing life–I used some of the pages in this post.  Check it out here!

Quote for the week:

I have found that if you love life, life will love you right back. ~Arthur Rubinstein


4 replies on “Are you feeling the love?

  • Karyn

    Loved your comment. I try to do this on a regular basis, plan the perfect day… usually involves a long drive and some delish treat at an off the beaten path location…..
    Another good book “Living the Simple Life: by Elaine St James….helps put things in to perspective. Love your blogs, I pass them along to my friends, and the recipes, are wonderful!!!
    Karyn (a fodmaper!)

    • katescarlata

      Hey there Karyn-
      I put “Living the Simple Life” on my Holiday wish list…thank you for sharing. Thanks for your kind feedback about my blog….and it makes me happy that you love the recipes! 🙂

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