April is IBS Awareness Month. I hope you join the mission of the #IBelieveinyourStory campaign.
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Researcher’s Quest to Understand the Role of Diet & IBS
Hello Friends, As part of IBS awareness month and the #IBelieveinyourStory campaign, I would like to introduce you to Dr. William Chey, a gastroenterologist and researcher at University of Michigan. Dr. Chey has been on the forefront of IBS research in the US studying the role of the low FODMAP diet and IBS. In fact, […]
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Support & Compassion for those with IBS (and Give-a-way!)
It’s not fun having tummy trouble and sometimes you could use a helping hand. Today’s post is all about how a friend or family member can provide a little support to their favorite someone that is suffering with IBS/SIBO. If you are reading this and suffer with SIBO or IBS, perhaps send this post off […]
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#IBelieveinyourStory Campaign
I NEED YOU! This Saturday, April 1st kicks off National IBS Awareness Month and I am launching a campaign called #IBelieveinyourStory. The purpose of the campaign is to raise awareness, raise funding for research and support patient care through educational initiatives for patients and healthcare providers. An International Survey of patients that suffer with IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) revealed that […]
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