Can eating kiwifruit improve constipation and perhaps positively impact overall gut health? Let’s take a closer look. Two kiwifruits (one serving) are fiber-rich and provides a nice dose of both vitamin C and E. In fact, one serving of kiwifruit provides 230% of your daily vitamin C needs, 10% of Vitamin E and 4 grams […]
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Low FODMAP & GF Blueberry Muffins
Hello from Maine. Yesterday afternoon, after I did a little editing on a project, I took a ride to Ogunquit. I purchased a smoothie made with strawberries, pineapple, coconut butter & coconut water (delicious!) from the Loveshack Juicery and took a little stroll on the Marginal Way. The view on the Marginal Way is simply […]
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Could medications be causing your GI distress?
For today’s post, my colleague, Linda shares how she learned that her high blood pressure medication was contributing to her debilitating GI distress. We live in the world of big Pharma…new medications are ‘born’ every day. We have made amazing strides in healthcare and use of these many novel drug therapies are truly life-saving…but sometimes […]
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The Importance of Stress Management for Gut Health
Living with chronic illness can be unsettling and frustrating…on a good day. Life itself can be a struggle at times…add on the role of harboring a unpredictable gut can certainly add an extra layer. I get it. Stress can exacerbate your health issues. Research shows that stress can alter your gut microbiome & make your […]
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Resistant Starch: What is it? Why do we care?
Hello Friends! Today’s topic: Resistant Starch. I promised a bit more on gut health topics…so here you go. What is resistant starch? Resistant starch (RS), unlike other forms of starch that are digested by amylases (digestive enzymes) in the small intestine, actually ‘resist’ digestion in the upper gastrointestinal tract and thus travels to colon where […]
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