I have been running since I was 12 years old! I had a bit of baby fat that just wouldn’t budge and well, never looked back. I always wanted to run a marathon-the ultimate challenge. And well, I did it! In 2000, I ran the San Diego Rock’n Roll marathon and had a blast. I think most runners like to have fun….so I do enjoy running a road race with a bunch of crazy runners…every now and again… …Here’s a few of my favorites!
• james joyce ramble Dedham, MA
• falmouth road race Falmouth, MA
• san diego rock’n roll marathon I ran mine in 2000
• bermuda international half marathon I ran mine in 2006
• lake placid half marathon completed June 2011!
I like to run for charity. Why not run for a cause you believe in? It’s a win-win! There are so many opportunities to run or walk for a variety of charities. Consider running or walking for an upcoming event for your favorite charitable organization.
you run???? I contracted a parasite in Panama Nov 2011 and have since and therefore contracted post-infectious IBS-C… most days I can barely walk due to intestinal inflammation… I was a runner before and I miss running more than ice cream and hamburgers!!!! Doctor and I are working on why I am so inflamed, and how to prevent it in the future. I will look for your book also this week as I just discovered you today. You give me hope I might run again!!!! thank you for the support for those of us you have never even met!
Melinda Frances
Your diet was given to me this afternoon. This evening look around the web and find a diet from Stanford Hospital & Clinics.
He recommends onion powder, garlic oil, garlic and it said to drink Almond Milk.
Would you look this paper up and let us know what you think?
I believe the list/paper you mention is outdated Melinda. FODMAP food analysis is ongoing and there are many lists that are outdated. garlic powders and salts are no longer allowed. Almond milk is undergoing testing now. I doubt it will be allowed due to the fact that most almond milks are made with a great amount of almonds and the water soluble fibers in the almonds can leach into the ‘milk’ so likely almond milk will be high in GOS and fructans. Certainly this may vary variety to variety—but since we don’t have this info I recommend avoiding almond milk on the elimination phase.
Hi Kate, have just come across your blog after starting on a low fodmap diet to hopefully let me get on with my life! Had though, been drinking almond milk as a substitute -argh! What do you use as a milk replacement? Thanks again for all the great info!
Well Balanced - Food - Life - Travel
Eva, You could try coconut milk, rice milk, or lactose free cow’s milk such as lactaid. Just check ingredients and avoid products with added fodmap ingredients such as chicory root (inulin). Glad you stopped by the blog!
Kate! First of all, finding your blog a couple of weeks ago when my GI doc sent me this diet has been a HUGE blessing! Secondly, I was hoping you could clarify one thing for me and help me out with another issue:
1. Is coconut on the low or high FODMAPs list? I keep seeing it on both?
2. I was so glad to see you’re a long distance runner! I have 3 marathons coming up starting in October and now that I cannot have GU, honey stingers, etc…I have had a really big problem staying energized on my long runs–I tried making my own oatmeal, cranberry (natural sugar infused), maple (real), banana bars, but they did not work so much. I also tried Clif Shot blocks yesterday b/c the ingredient list seemed low-FODMAP friendly to me. Do you have any advice for sustenance on those long runs? I eat gluten free oats with strawberries and a bite of natural PB before them.
Thank you so much for all of your helpful posts! I started this diet 2 weeks ago and although I have to keep starting my 6-8 week elimination phase over because I realize I’ve messed up, I know it is already helping and am hopeful for my future
I’m 27 and have aspirations to qualify for Boston so I’m hoping this untamable IBS will soon be behind me
Hey Jennie, Glad you stopped by my blog and find it helpful! Coconut is okay on the low FODMAP diet–old info has it as a source of excess fructose but recent testing says it is okay. Yay! Yes, I am a runner too! Love my running! How about sports beans–these you can pop in your mouth to give you a burst as you need. http://www.sportbeans.com/products/lemon_lime_sport_beans.aspx
I also am a long distance runner new to low FODMAP. I am about to do a 50K and need some suggestions. I have had Clif Shots Bloks and Peanut Butter Cliff Bars recommended to me. I will look into the Sport Beans. Thank you for your blog.
I am also a runner, and until yesterday have never heard of fodmaps. Thankfully the lady in the running shop told me to look them up. I have my first marathon in a couple of weeks and on my training I know where EVERY toilet is and every hiding place around bushes, etc. I haven’t been diagnosed as such, but with the problem of ‘having to go’ frequently I had started to wonder how I would cope with the marathon.
On long training I was using “REplace” and have trialled Gu gels, now I find (through reading your comments) that they may not be suitable. I was interested to read your previous comments re Cliff bars – we do get them here in NZ, and wondered too about R-line as that is the drink available on the course.
Any comments most helpful as to how to get through.
Well Balanced - Food - Life - Travel
Valerie, The R-line looks okay–here are the ingredients and it appears to be a low FODMAP: Sucrose, water, glucose, maltodextrin, citric acid, sodium citrate, natural flavour (various), sodium chloride (salt), preservative (202), colour (various). REplace seems to have fructose so would not be a good choice and Gu gels have fructose as well. For my marathon and 1/2 marathon training and runs–I did drink the electrolyte beverage such as R-line without high fructose corn syrup and water during the run, I also sucked on hard candy made with sucrose for a little sugar kick. Mid marathon–I ate a 1/2 peanut butter granola bar without fodmap ingredients….and this worked for me. Hope that helps and enjoy your run!
I am a marathoner also and have one coming up that I have been training for. I have been using Cliff Shot Bloks and drinks that are combinations of Ultima, decaf green tea, yerba, coconut water, a little lemon juice and some times little pom juice. It seems to be working fine for me.
Thanks so much for replying Kate! Really means a lot. have tried rice milk before and actually really enjoyed it, just need to get my hands on some, living in the middle of the city with just wee supermarkets around isn’t ideal for a restrictive diet! I also wondered if I could ask your views on honey? Do you completely avoid it?
Thanks again, hope you’re well.
Well Balanced - Food - Life - Travel
Eva, During the elimination phase I do recommend that honey is avoided. If it was the very last ingredient in a list of several ingredients in a food product it probably would be okay–but if it’s a top ingredient in an item or you intend to drizzle it on food–I suggest hold off until you are ready for the reintroduction phase. Honey’s fructose content is likely very variable but most have excess fructose (to my knowledge at this time) some may have little excess fructose but we simply don’t know for sure unless a particular honey is analyzed.
To be safe I think i’ll completely avoid, seems pointless to do it half heartedly! Thanks so much for all the great advice.
Brad Cooper
I stumbled across your site and appreciate your input. I’m a (somewhat) older runner (48) who’s shooting for a sub 2:40 marathon but continue to have stomach issues mid-race. Already gluten free, I’m now following the broader FODMAPs strategy. Two questions – it appears the GU Peanut Butter gel option would fit with the FODMAP strategy, correct? And then with almonds – I see them on some FODMAP lists but not on others? I noticed they are listed on your “grocery” list as something to have a little of, so I’m confused. Some of the alternatives to sports gels include Almond-based options…
Hi Brad, I am happy to review the GU peanut butter gel option–I tried to check on their site–but couldn’t find the ingredients–I am sure they are there–just don’t have time to search around. Feel free to send in–and I can give you my best guess. Almonds are allowed on the low FODMAP but the cut off is just 10 almonds or about 1 TB of the almond butter….not too much.
Brad Cooper
No problem. You’re very kind Kate. Here are the ingredients:
Maltodextrin, Water, Fructose, Peanut Butter (Peanuts, Salt), Leucine, Potassium Citrate, Valine, Sodium Citrate, Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C), Calcium Carbonate, Sea Salt, Histidine, Sodium Benzoate (Preservative), Fumaric Acid, Calcium Chloride, Potassium Sorbate (Preservative), D-Alpha-Tocopheryl Acetate (Vitamin E), Pectin Powder, Isoleucine, Citric Acid, Malic Acid, Ginger Extract, Chamomile Extract.
One of the lists on FODMAP I have includes both Fructose and Maltodextrin, which means 2 of the first 3 ingredients may cause issues. If this option is not a good choice, any suggestions of gels that would work to add about 100 kcal to the UCAN I currently use for marathons? Target marathon time 2:40, so not needing a ton of calories. But I understand more than 1 scoop of UCAN may be susceptible to fermentation in stomach, so limiting that option to a single scoop.
Thank you!!
Hi Kate – circling back on this from last year. Looking for ideas for Ironman- specifically a couple of gel options on the run. Any suggestions? And was leaning toward using Skratch drink on the bike. May try the cliff blocks you mentioned above to supplement. Any other ideas? Thanks!!
Brad, check out my Pinterest board for the FODMAP runner. You don’t have to be registered on Pinterest to view. May provide some ideas for you! https://www.pinterest.com/katescarlta/fodmap-runner/
Kate, I was diagnosed with SIBO (methane) and have constipation. I’m also a runner but am wondering if I should cut back on mileage during treatment. I haven’t tried riflaxin yet but will soon. I’m cutrently on an herbal treatment. Can you run, be a FODMAPer and treat sibo at the same time?
Personally, since endurance exercise is associated with enhanced gut permeability–I recommend a reduction in intense types of exercise until the GI symptoms settle and SIBO is eradicated.
I actually like the lighter maple syrups for flavor.
Is the Jello brand okay on Low FODMAP. Not pudding but jello itself
It should be–it’s mostly gelatin and sugar.