Snickerdoodle Smoothie and give-a-way!

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Well…I survived the Thanksgiving holiday, how about you?  We dined out this year for our turkey dinner and I ended up with a little stomachache. 🙁 Ugh… I am sure there was a boatload of hidden FODMAPs in my meal.

I am better this morning {yay!} and ready for a nice run w/ Russ and Lucy!  And…also ready to embrace the Christmas holiday season…my favorite! 🙂

So today, I am sharing a yummmmmy….snickerdoodle smoothie recipe!Snickerdoodle smoothie and straws

This is a light smoothie to enjoy for a quick breakfast on the run….or as post workout or shopping fuel! And…you also get a chance to win a packet of these super cute paper holiday straws. They are too cute not to share!  I purchased them at Target…so if you love ’em…go get some before they run out!

First things first, the snickerdoodle smoothie has a mix of almond milk, banana, cinnamon, oats and almond butter.  I like to add just a little raw oats to my smoothies. The uncooked oats are a source of resistant starch, which has been shown in studies to feed beneficial butyrate producing microbes. Butyrate feeds the cells of the colon and is associated with a reduced risk of colon cancer. Resistant starch is fermentable so can cause gas in some individuals…titrate to your personal tolerance level.Ready to blend

Cute straws make smoothie making just a little more fun, right?  Truthfully, I have one of the biggest paper straw collections of anyone I know. #obsessed! snickerdoodle oat smoothie

  1. For a chance to win a package of these super cute reindeer straws, kindly leave a comment about one of your favorite holiday traditions.
  2. To make the smoothie, see recipe below!


14 replies on “Snickerdoodle Smoothie and give-a-way!

  • Judith Wiesberg

    Zingerman’s in Ann Arbor makes a sourdough loaf which they say is made with sourdough starter and allowed to rise slowly. I purchased a loaf. Makes nice toast and does not appear to bother my IBS. It’s so nice to have real bread. You could check this out with the company. Even the best gluten-fee breads and rolls seem to have a somewhat gummy texture, even when toasted. The best of these I have found come from Mariposa Bakery in San Francisco.

  • Fran

    My favourite tradition is our family game of “let’s buy Hollywood” board game that we always play on Christmas Day afternoon. Nothing to do with the fact that I usually win of course!!

  • Laury Hunt

    Our favorite tradition (at least since I’ve been married – my mother did a huge amount of cooking for Christmas Eve and Christmas) is to choose everyone’s favorite hors d’oeuvres/snacks and indulge after attending (or me singing) at the Christmas Eve service – clam dip, shrimp cocktail, veggies and dip, turkey meatballs with mozzarella (have appreciated the low FODMAP recipes), etc. Definitely better when I can control the ingredients!

    With these type recipes, do we have to be careful with the almond milk/butter or have studies changed.

    Happy Thanksgiving, Laury

    • katescarlata

      Hi Laury! The almond butter should be limited to 1 tablespoon per serving. And almond milk was tested by Monash University fairly recently and was found to be low FODMAP….though brands may vary here in the States….almond milk seems to work for some of my clients.

  • Christine

    Hi Kate, you said in this blog that “uncooked oats are a source of resistant starch”… Are cooked oats as good? I have oatmeal porridge for breakfast every morning and I’m wondering if I should change to muesli or similar?

    • katescarlata

      It’s good to try a mix of different fibers and oat cooked is beneficial too! You can try to up the resistant starch with small amounts of raw oats such as a tablespoon or two of muesli. The ‘cut off’ for oats is just 1/4 cup for FODMAPs–at a sitting—so you don’t want to have too much at one meal!

  • Trish Roberts

    Hi Kate, I am not a North American so don’t have Thanksgiving! I do have a question, though. You mention uncooked oats having resistant starch. Do they have to ge uncooked to do this?

  • Ashley

    I love, love, love Christmas! Ever since we were just dating, my (now husband) and I enjoy watching The Santa Claus trilogy while we decorate. Most recently, he’s been great about making low FODMAP hot cocoa for us to enjoy. However, maybe this year we need to try this snickerdoodle treat…one of his favorite cookies. And I’m a fan of sweats regardless…!

    Merry Christmas and happy holidays!

  • Ellen

    Hi. This sounds delicious but my daughter has coeliac disease and could not eat it with oats in it. What would you suggest as an alternative, or can they simply be left out? Thanks.

  • Julie Kumar

    I love to bake an assortment of goodies and share them with others. Of course I enjoy the goodies too, but the actual baking and sharing brings me much joy.

  • joy

    I can’t wait to try this for my daughter. She is battling stomach problems, several bacterias and yeast overgrowth. I have put her low fodmap (with limits on sugar and no yeast) because I think the candida diet is too restrictive for a teenager. She is dying without her frozen drinks at Dunkins. As long as I don’t tell her about the banana or oats, I think she’ll like this!
    love using frozen bananas in my shakes.

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