Eggplant Chips with Lemon Tahini Drizzle

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This week, I decided to try to make some eggplant chips.  It seems all types of veggies are being made into chips these days, so why not eggplant too?

I thinly sliced an eggplant.Brushed both sides with a nice layer of olive oil.  Eggplant’s LOVE oil and literally draw it in, so you kinda need to be generous with the oil.

Placed slices on parchment paper lined cookie sheet.

Added a dash of salt.  And popped them in the oven.

Mixed up a little dipping sauce.  I made my dip with Tahini, a blended sesame seed paste, and fresh squeezed lemon juice.  I love lemon in just about everything.  {FODMAPers not tahini is high FODMAP}. Sounds simple?  It is.





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