Hey Friends! Just a quick update to let you know I have a couple learning opportunities coming up…and they are FREE! First up, I will be doing a FaceBook live on the FODMAP Life page on November 19, 2019 at 1 PM EST. The topic will be Constipation! To access this broadcast, click here. Next […]
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10 Tips for Managing the Low FODMAP Diet & GI Symptoms While Traveling
Hey Friends. To me, there is nothing more fun than exploring another city or country! I love the adventure of experiencing new cultures, new food, as well as all the wonder and the new perspective that comes with travel. Given the degree of GI symptoms that come and go (from a major small intestinal resection), […]
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The Clean Sweep Smoothie
Every now and then my husband shares his creative energy with my business. He has come up with some brilliant ideas, including the name of my business, For a Digestive Peace of Mind. I love my business name because it embraces all that I hope to do in my work as a GI dietitian, help […]
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E’s IBS Journey
As part of the IBelieveinyourStory campaign, I bring you E’s story: “My story started many years ago as I have struggled with constipation for as long as I can remember … I mentioned my constipation to my PCP six or seven years ago at my annual check up. She suggested adding more fiber to my diet. I […]
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Sluggish gut? Let’s talk about constipation.
What is constipation? And, how can we manage it better.
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Take 2 Kiwifruits & Call Me in the Morning!
Can eating kiwifruit improve constipation and perhaps positively impact overall gut health? Let’s take a closer look. Two kiwifruits (one serving) are fiber-rich and provides a nice dose of both vitamin C and E. In fact, one serving of kiwifruit provides 230% of your daily vitamin C needs, 10% of Vitamin E and 4 grams […]
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Do You Need Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy?
When I work with patients that experience IBS-C, 3 potential key pieces of their digestive health care puzzle come to mind: Adjust & individualize diet: either trial a low FODMAP diet (particularly modifying fructans and GOS), potentially reduce dairy, and ensure adequate fiber per tolerance for starters. Rule out methane + small intestinal bacterial overgrowth. […]
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